When she’s drunk she texts for a while and says she really wants to see me etc. but when she’s sober she’s pretty take it or leave it, she doesn’t make much effort and only replies once or twice a day and is nowhere near as passionate.

Should I keep pursuing when sober?

  1. It’s important to have open and honest communication in any relationship. If you’re feeling a disconnect between how the person behaves when they’re sober versus when they’re drunk, it may be worth addressing your concerns with them. Express your feelings and desires in a calm and understanding manner.

    It’s possible that there could be various reasons for her behavior, such as shyness when sober or a lack of confidence in expressing their feelings. By discussing your concerns, you can gain better insight into her perspective and see if there’s potential for a more balanced and fulfilling connection when they’re not drunk.

    Ultimately, the decision to continue pursuing the relationship when sober should be based on your own feelings and whether you believe there’s potential for a meaningful connection. Communication and understanding each other’s needs are key aspects of any successful relationship.

  2. Do you spend time together, not just texting?

    Some people are bad texters, but great to spend time with. She might be less inhibited whole drunk and those are more genuine to her feelings, or she could be more insecure and wanting reassurance and you are an easy source.

    If you invite her out, and she doesn’t seem interested, then move along. If it’s a long distance or low availability thing, and you are already disappointed in her texting, it’s not a good sign. Don’t force something she isn’t excited about.

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