I (19F) went over to my friends house for a smoke and to hang out as we hadn’t seen each other in years and we ended up getting intimate. When i touched him he started shaking really bad like all over his body, it didn’t look like he was uncomfortable but why would a guy shake when you touch them?
I got so confused so idk what to do.

  1. When I was younger. Like back in my late teens younger. I would shake like that when I was super turned on.

  2. less likely, but it’s possible it could be nerve damage. i have some minor damage in my hands and i cannot hold them still ever. as in, i think i would be medically unable to be a sniper or surgeon.

    basically, he could have some medical condition that causes it – have you ever noticed him shake before?

  3. Nerves. That was me on a date in my 20s when the woman I was hanging with came onto me. I was into it but I started shaking too. Never happened again but it was totally nerves on my part.

  4. You can get shakes from being turned on. You can get them from adrenaline rushes. Or the fast infusion of other feel good hormones.

    You really turned him on. OR, he’s wanted you or fantasized about you in the past and got overwhelmed at the prospect it was actually happening.

    Either way, it reflects well for you.

  5. I get the equivalent of what presents as shivering from the cold when i’m sexually nervous around a potential new partner. It goes away pretty fast, and never really comes back.

    Take it as a compliment that he is interested in you. He can’t do anything about it, probably is insecure about it.

    Play into it. ‘I heard some guys get turned on so much they actually start to tremble… I love seeing a guy turned on’

  6. I think everyone has their unique quirks when they get attracted, when I had my first kiss with my first girlfriend, my back would literally start convulsing it’s muscles making me arch my back and get super tickly even if I’m not normally, for your friend his thing is probably shaking, I’d say that’s a good thing as you know he’s probably turned on!

  7. I had something similar happen with me and my first girlfriend. She was on top of me, and we were going to try penetration for the first time and I started to shake real bad. Freaked both of us out quite a bit. Pretty sure it was a panic attack, but that’s the only time it has happened to me.

  8. I do this sometimes too! Definitely not a bad thing in my experience, just means you’re doing REALLY good

  9. When I made out with a girl for the first time I was shaking bc I was nervous but very attracted to her

    It happens.

  10. It happens to me also!! It’s not frequent, only in high stress situations. It’s also followed by a super cold sensation, like I’m freezing. It takes me like 3/4 minutes to get over it. It’s SUPER weird, but it’s my thing haha. Just need to relax and cover my self with something cause gosh, the cold is crazy. So yes, only nerves 😊

  11. Happens to me when I’m either nervous, turned on, or cold. Probably not a negative thing, he might be more worried about it than you lol

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