When in your life have you felt like you truly belonged, either by doing something or just being in the moment? Like you wouldn’t change a thing

  1. I was on a camping trip with my friend. It was miserable. We were right off the lake and the wind was so intense that you could be standing next to someone and you had to yell to be heard. We had to tie the tent to the car to keep it from blowing over and it was impossible to start a fire so we just froze our asses off. Something about hating everything thay day just made it so fun.

  2. Wait, I got another one. I was om a business trip and I was staying with a friend in Tennessee while I was there. It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen and I loved the people. I’d do anything to be able to afford to move back.

  3. Becoming a father, holding my son for the first time. Hold my adult son who is a lot bigger than me after he returned from deployment

  4. Becoming a father, holding my son for the first time. Hold my adult son who is a lot bigger than me after he returned from deployment

  5. You ever lead a group of rowdy people in a brand new chant you came up with? It gives you dictator energy, those kids from Texas A/M didn’t know whether to laugh or be terrified

  6. Only time I’ve felt that, cheesy as it is, is in the arms of the woman I loved. My parents were very condescending and often neglectful. They did great in many ways, but totally messed up in others. I was severely bullied throughout elementary and middle school. In high school I was heavy set and dating was non-existent has girls are almost always shallow at that age. When I finally fell in love for real and met someone I thought I’d spend my life with, I actually felt like a complete, whole, desired, and welcomed person.

  7. Opened a restaurant at 19……very successful….owned it 7 years….sold it and made a killing….!

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