I (25M) am very attracted to my gf (25f) but anytime we start to have sex and her pants come off I get turned off by the smell. I’ve subtly mentioned it but she brushed it off saying how it’s natural vagina smell. I’ve never gone down on her as I almost start to barf at the smell whereas with previous girls I’ve loved going down on them.

What should I do?

  1. I once had sex with a woman like that. As someone who generally likes the scent of a woman, it was really off putting. I don’t know if it was an infection, a hygiene issue or some sort of chemical compatibility thing. I can’t really offer any advice that doesn’t feel like you are going to cause offence to her, but I do sympathise.

  2. My dude you either have to get down with it or not. Most people have a natural musk to them and some are different than others and while, yes, diet and health can affect this, most of the time the base smell is not changed, just enhanced or diminished when diet and health changes. But your partner probably has a totally normal scent to it and you’re gonna make it weird if you keep bringing it up. Pussy smells like pussy and if you want to hang out with pussy you gotta get used to it. Or find a pussy that has no odor at all. They exist, but are not super common.

  3. What’s it smell like?

    If you’re reminded of the smell of a dumpster behind a a sushi restaurant in Omaha (I.e. fishy), she could have ~~VB~~ BV. Has she talked to an OBGYN about it ?

  4. I have experienced this too — some Nordic pussies taste like mild salted honey but others — not so fresh although it can be worse with deodorant masking the odor — shower together prior to sex.

  5. Start fucking, pull it out and put your dick in her mouth, let her taste it. On your way, be sure to leave a little on her upper lip.

    If that doesn’t work, you are in trouble

  6. If it’s making you barf then it’s time to tell her that it not the natural vaginal odor and that’s its most likely BV and should get it checked by a doctor.

    Unless she doesn’t shower very often and it’s just like 2 days of musty build up, which in that case she needs to shower more often specifically before the two of you fool around.

  7. Sounds like BV. It’s a smell where you know something is wrong, it blows my mind when women say it’s her natural scent. It’s also uncomfortable, I’ve had it when my (ex) boyfriend was having unprotected sex with other women without telling me.

  8. im jumping on the “waht does it smell like” bandwagon. If it smells like B/O ( a bit like taco seasoning, but sometimes stronger) then its normal.. if you are used to “no odor” then that means they douche, which is not healthy. If it has a fishy smell, then it could be some bacterial overgrowth.. if it smells really really bad, like something rotten, she may have PID and should go get checked out ASAP.

  9. Sometimes, people just aren’t compatable. She should probably get checked out if she finds it out of place – but if it’s just you and she thinks it’s fine, then tell her you’re just not compatable. It blows my mind that men think that they know how a woman’s parts should smell more than that woman.

  10. Probably BV. Its quite possible for women to have it and have no idea because they shower once or twice a day so the smelly discharge doesn’t have the chance to become noticeable, until sex. Often people with BV have very few symptoms or mistake it for thrush.
    If she is treated for BV make sure your hands are very clean before you touch her down there. It is often sex that causes the issue. Sometimes its because the male partner has had sex with other women beforehand and passed it on.

  11. Another possibility besides the ones mentioned here is urea plasma, or she could even be leaking (urinating) a little. I appreciate that she’s confident enough to say it’s her natural odor, and that may be the case, but seems worth getting tested to rule things out – for her health more than anything else.

  12. BV for sure.

    Easy to clear up but she needs to go to a clinic.

    My girlfriend was getting it very regularly. Like every 2 weeks or so. Eventually it was obvious that she was getting that very nasty odor 1 or 2 days after every hook up with her other lover. She made a new rule whereby he was REQUIRED to take a good shower before they got naked. She never had another infection after that.

  13. My gf once made her vagina smells like rotten eggs. We both notice and laugh at it. Atleast my gf is aware hhaha. Definitely BV. Put antibiotics in her drinks ahhahaha

  14. A hygiene issue could also smell fishy. Ask her if she cleans her vulva thoroughly (in between the lips and under the clitoral hood).

    There’s a term for buildup between the folds (same as with penises). It’s called smegma. I think there’s a subreddit too 😳

  15. If you have to tell someone their genitals stink – think about that – just break up with them.

  16. This is tough. I think you have to not be subtle and just tell her and either she’ll listen, or she will get mad and y’all will break up, which is your only other option as well. Talk to her with compassion. I’m a dude, so I’m sure people with vaginas will have better tips on how to do that

  17. I’d place my bets on bacterial vaginosis. I’ve had it and it was awful. Luckily it clears up with a round of antibiotics. My natural smell is a bit musky but not disgusting. This was way different. Bring it up to her in a gentle and non-judgmental way. It’s not just about the smell because BV can cause issues like pelvic inflammatory disease and result in further complications. Encourage her to go to the doctor and get a test because it shows up easily and the test is painless. Also would be great to get an STD panel in case it isn’t BV.

  18. It’s not a big deal, it’s most likely BV. l don’t understand why she isn’t interested in taking care of it. Many women get it simply from scented soap accidentally entering their vagina. Nothing to be embarrassed about. I have a steady supply of acidophilus in my refrigerator for this very reason.

    Put your foot down, explain that it is in fact not a normal smell and she needs to get that taken care of or you’re going to dip.

  19. What type of smell? Fish? Musk? Or is it just her smell? If it’s her smell, that’s pheromones and you will never get over that.

  20. I’ll probably get downvoted, but I’d leave her and let her know why so that she can make the choice of whether or not to get it checked out medically. If it smells bad enough to make me want to barf, there’s no recovery from that. Idk how some of y’all move past that and try to make it work.

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