Hey, so there’s this guy who’s in a couple of my classes. On the first day, he initiated a conversation with me that lasted less than 30 seconds before we were interrupted 💀. Ever since I’ve really wanted to talk to him but I don’t know how. I can’t sit next to him in classes as we have seating plans, however I could during our free study periods. But I don’t know what the hell to say. He is quiet and doesn’t seem to hang around a lot of people. Any advice on starting a conversation?

1 comment
  1. you could honestly just open with “hey, mind if i join you?” during one of those free study periods, seeing that you’re already familiar with each other. follow up by saying something like “we’ve talked before but we haven’t told each other our names, have we.” or if you already have, you could just say “you’re ___ right?” and then continue from there, talking about class or whatever

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