I dated my ex for 3 months, we broke up due to a few issues on both of our ends.Since we broke up he has continuously contacted me every few days to a week via text and phone call, kept me in the loop about personal things, tells me to reach out to him more and we have seen each other a handful of times. Weve almost become closer and more comfortable with each other since the relationship officially ended.

However, when I talk to him about getting back together he avoids the conversation. We spent 4 days together and had an amazing time but after he went 5 days without speaking to me. When he finally reached out and we talked he was anxious at first asking where I had been as if hed been waiting for me to reach out. What is happening here?

tl:dr – ex keeps contacting me but doesnt want relationship? I miss him

  1. He either wants to be with you, or he doesn’t.

    > when I talk to him about getting back together he avoids the conversation

    He doesn’t.

    But he enjoys the perks of your attention (companionship, sex, etc) without the obligations that come with a relationship.

    I really hate that phrase “don’t buy the cow when you can get the milk for free”, but you really need to look at the relationship and ask “what am I giving and what am I getting in return? If I knew for a fact that we were NEVER getting back together, would I still be giving this guy the same amount of attention as I am now?”

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