What’s something you could tell your teenage-self about talking to girls now that your older?

  1. Recognize the friendzone early and bail. Never waste time and energy on women who dont share your level of interest. Women put you in the friendzone, but you stay there.

  2. Figure that shit out early when everyone is awkward and didn’t have a clue what they’re doing. Don’t wait till your late twenties to try talking to people cause by then must people have their shit together and they’ll want nothing to do with your awkward ass.

  3. This is a golden opportunity to do it, so just do it and don’t obsess over the responses you get. Also remember that what works or is acceptable at this age might not be so after you graduate.

  4. Nice guy always finishes last despite what all your female friends tell you. Dont worry about women go do other things and they will come to you, start working out.

  5. Don’t waste your time most of these girls you will never see again focus on you.

  6. Easily the friend zone. Fuckin bail on that shit immediately. There is no way out for the vast overwhelming majority I promise you. If you have trouble bailing think of it this way. You’re in the friend zone because she placed you on the bench. There’s more dudes out there she wants more than you. You are a lesser man in her eyes. If that doesn’t want to make you ditch that situation I don’t know what will.

  7. Hunter literally said “you should come visit me at my work. We can grab food” and instead of getting her number and rescheduling, your dumbass just said you couldn’t cus of a soccer tournament

  8. **Specifically if you aren’t close friends yet:**

    Talk less, and less loudly. Just have lighthearted, normal conversations with girls about whatever is going on, and let them talk if they want to. DO NOT, try to force the conversation to go on longer than it does naturally… people can always tell when you’re desperate to keep them tied up in conversation. When there’s nothing left to talk about, leave… kindly but confidently, LEAVE…

    “Leave, and leave them wanting more.” (not just early romance, overstaying your welcome damages a lot of early friendships)

    **If you are already close friends:**

    Be yourself. I know how overused and stupid that sounds, but if you are already friends with this person they either already like the real you, or haven’t seen the real you yet which means it is not a real friendship.

  9. Just do it. They either shut you down, you make a new friend, or you find a potential partner. NOT talking to them out of nervousness will get you no where. Just be yourself and straight forward.

    Other advice: It’s important to date so you know how to be a good partner, but don’t take any relationship before your early 20’s too seriously. You and your partner are both going to change significantly from your teens to your 20’s. I only know of two couples that were ‘highschool sweethearts’ that ended up getting married later. Even then, one of those couples split up multiple times.

  10. I’m still shit at talking to girls, all that changed was that I met a girl that made me less nervous talking to girls in comparison to her.

    I guess I’d just give him the advice that silence is okay every once in awhile. The other person can talk too, you don’t have to do all the talking to fill in silence.

  11. Don’t be weird; just be yourself. Don’t try to act cool; you’re not and nobody really is at that age. In the end, none of it matters anyway.

  12. The more you do it the easier it gets so just get on with it and learn on the job.

  13. Drinking and drugs are not a good way to get laid. Avoid women that have drug habits, they’ll drag you down. Working out is not just for douchebags, you can put on so much muscle, you don’t need to starve yourself, and better women will line up to be with you when you do. Women can smell desperation, all of the women you speak to are potential friends, talk to them like that, and pants fall off. If you approach with the intent to seduce you will fail.

  14. First and foremost, women are people – they’re individuals who think things and want things. If you understand who a woman is, what she likes, and what she cares about, she’s more likely to keep you around, and you’re more able to make an informed decision about whether she’s a person you want to spend your time with.

  15. Let myself know earlier that they have standards. So that I could process the information and get over a complex earlier.

    I was literally… Like 16-18, when I found out that Women prefer taller Men.

    I was even younger when I discovered Women having a preference for big penises. Aged 7-11, when I discovered what male strippers were. Did not sit right with my 7 year old brain, that Women would get over-excited and laugh at naked Men.

    Then at approx 11-13 years old I found out from my cousins phone that touching (and more) goes on at the shows.

    Legit complex that to this day I’m not 100% over.

  16. When she comes up to you after physics and gives you her phone number, ***she’s interested, you fucking idiot***.

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