title basically. i’m doing a mural project for my college and this girl is on the project management team (kinda hard to describe her position but she’s not on the art team).

i already have her number bc everyone is in a group text chain, and she recently put out a message advising to reach out to her with any questions about the project.

the problem is, i’m actually really on top of the project and don’t have questions, so i have no reason to text her. what can i ask to get the ball rolling so i can get to know her?

also important is that the project group doesn’t really meet in person and so i never see her around campus. if i want to make a move, i think i’ve gotta start with text. any advice on something i can ask her about? appreciate it.

  1. Just be like hey do you mind if we meet up and exchange some notes on where this project is headed? It’s always good to collaborate even if you know the ins and outs of a project. Or just send a random fact about something hahaha that was always my go-to when I had legit nothing else to say and I know a lot of useless information 😂😂😂 you both have a common project though so maybe start there. Good luck! 👍

  2. Maybe ask her opinion on something to do with the project? People like to be asked their opinion. Then if she gives you her advice you could be like “you have great ideas” and use it is an excuse to meet up and discuss things further with her

  3. When you think like that my friend, anything you say is gonna sound dumb. Just say what you need to my dude – just keep it as short as possible.

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