I work from home 7am-4pm Monday- Saturday and have school full time online as well. My husband is going to be working 5pm-6am 2-3 times every week. Our schedules don’t seem to have any free time that we can spend together. We have been together going on 6 years and haven’t spent too much time apart. Before this job he and I shared and office and matched schedules. Does anyone have any advice on how to make this work? Im terrified of how lonely I’m going to feel in an empty home. Some side information: we only have one car and with me in college we can’t afford a second one so he will have the car on days he works. Any advice is welcomed.

  1. The most important thing will be to find things to occupy your waking time apart so that no one builds up resentment. If you can’t fill your hours with extra studying maybe take up a hobby. Start baking, pick a game and play it, start journaling, read all those books you’ve been putting off. The most dangerous part of being on opposing schedules is that you start to get angry with each other about it.

  2. Occupy some of that “lonely” time by getting chores done during the week. Keep your weekends sacred, and don’t feel bad about telling people you’ll be busy doing nothing with your husband.

  3. **Make a schedule.**

    Go on your google calendar and mark out all of next month. Start with you. Put in your 54 hours of work m-sat, and then add in the time you anticipate being busy with school work.

    Now, add in his 22-33 hours.

    This is where you can now see what hours/days you will overlap with the most free time. You should be able to move your class hours around a bit to open up more on those 4-5 days when he’s not working so you can get the most out of those days.

    Then you plan for it. You know these jobs won’t be forever. They are starter jobs and you’ll both have different schedules in the future… so you put up with it sucking for now because it’s just for now, not for ever.

    Yes you’ll get lonely home alone for 2-3 days a week, but you can handle it. You can still go out with friends, work on your hobbies, put more into school work and keep yourself busy to get you through to the 4-5 days he doesn’t work.

  4. Put at least once a month for a date night. Get dressed up cook supper together. Drink wine and listen to your favourite music. Let someone else like a friend or a family member have the kids. Sounds like you both will need a holiday ❤️❤️

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