My husband and I have 2 kids and recently moved from our home state to a new state with no family close so that means zero alone time/ date time for us.. our kids are small 1 and 8.

We have been here for 4 months and since then we haven’t had any alone time/ dates so we do the best we can in the evenings (I work from home full time and have the kids full time) and his job is demanding with on call so there are often times the only time spent together is asleep and that’s if my 8 year old doesn’t fall asleep in my bed.

Hence I miss him like crazy, today we had a outing as a family got the kids costumes and went to eat lunch and when we got back he got called in.. now the kids are in bed and he’s on the game.

I went up to him and told him how I had a good time today but if he wanted to go on a “date” tonight which one of us brings back icecream and we sometimes watch a movie, play a game together or just talk and hold each other which usually Leads to sex.

I told him I missed him and wanted to be with him.

To which eluded to saying no, he said “didn’t we just spend all day together, isn’t that enough” I replied
Yes we did and I had fun but it’s always with the kids and making sure we have them in order so it’s hard to spend that one on one time.

He kind of just looked at me and said nothing

I felt rejected, got up and said “it’s ok” and now I am in the bath.. he’s not come to check in since.

I can’t help but wonder if it’s weird I miss him, do I need therapy or something? Or is he missing something???

1 comment
  1. It makes sense for you to miss one on one time with him. It’s not absurd or bad for him to get that closeness from family time, but because he loves you he should care and make an effort to help you feel close and loved as well.

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