What have you done that you have a hard time forgiving yourself for?

  1. I don’t think I’ve even been in that kind of a situation. I’ve done some questionable things that I’ve apologized to other folks for. But I don’t think I have anything that I’ve had to forgive myself for.

  2. I dated a very nice girl in college. Sweet, fun, smart. Ideal wife material. However, she had some personal issues that I was too immature at the time to properly identify and help her address. Overall, I didn’t treat her near as good as I should have, and ended up breaking up with her.

    We’re both married to other people now, and things seemed to have turned out ok for her. However, I still regret not being the kind of man she needed and that I should have been.

  3. I was kicked out of my parent’s houses and crashed couches/used women (and one dude lol) to have a roof over my head.

    Not my finest era and something I’ve no real idea how to feel about so it kind of haunts me

    On the one hand, I treated people like shit

    On the other hand, I was afraid of dying under an overpass

  4. My Sr. Year of high school I was working as an instructor at a baseball camp over the summer. We were working on plays at home w/ the short stop turning around for the cut. I was in the outfield throwing the ball to home/shortstop. This kid at SS was moving so slow and not turning around for the cut so I thought I would wake him up with with a hard throw. He used his face to catch the ball and left the field in an ambulance 15 mins later. He broke his orbital but was otherwise ok thank god. I still feel bad to this day for the incident.

  5. I was physically attacked by a guy a long time ago in my 20’s in Dublin city. He took on more than he could handle and I dished out an awful hiding to him.
    I gave him a few bonus digs to the mush while he was grounded and obviously out.
    Shouldn’t have done that.

  6. Infidelity years ago…many years ago but changed the lives of so many because of my selfishness

  7. Divorcing my ex wife. I think about and regret it every day when I wake up. Been 3.5 years since the divorce was official.

  8. Made progress losing weight and relapsed. Bad. Like really, really bad. I feel like I betrayed myself for throwing away all the effort and results I was so proud of last week.

  9. Various things in Iraq when I was an Infantry Platoon Leader.

    Not always thing I did, but things I didn’t do too. I hate to leave a short comment like this, but I’m not in any mood to bring these things up and discuss them. All in all, my platoon was credited with killing 48 people that I know of and wounding at least that many in various firefights and skirmishes I led me platoon through. I ended up losing 5 Soldiers directly under my command and had another 7 wounded.

    2004 was a rough year.

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