I am a 27 years old korean man. I have never dated anyone but had one situationship. I am planning to rejoin the online dating scene but I stop myself because of my size dick. When I am soft, I am about an inch but when I am hard, it is about 2.5 inches. I am afraid that women will not enjoy the time with me and this makes me very self conscious. I know sex is like a sport and will need to practice to improve but I have 0 experience.
Do you guys have any advice to help my self confidence or how I can tell my future partner about my dick size. I am currently working out and studying/reading and they do help with my self confidence but I am still afraid to disappoint my future partner.
I am willing to do everything to satisfy my partner since I lack in size.

  1. Don’t tell any date about your size beforehand, they have absolutely no right to know any of that. It’s not a harm or health hazard to anyone else. Just be confident and do the best you can do in life is all I can advise. There will be some women who may reject you, but that’s just how dating is.

  2. Despite what porn, and all these porn addicts on social media will tell you, size really doesn’t matter. And if a girl will judge you for it then she not the one for you anyway

  3. your false belief that was programmed into you by society is making you believe that you need womens approval & you believe that you need to have a big dick in order to be happy and successful with women, which is completely false. Realize this & drop the false idea that you need to be a certain size to please women & you’ll see that it never really was about anything outside of you.

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