I have been with my girlfriend for almost 1 year and if someone were to tell me at the beginning of our relationship that I will want her being seen naked by others I would have called them insane. Back then I would dislike it even if she dressed somewhat revealing. But for the past like 4 months I have this growing desire for her to be naked while other men could see her. It really ramped up after we went to a nude beach (with the only other people there being far away) and after that I suggested that we go again and she is really open to it and I have suggested other things to her like not wearing a bra under her shirt when she goes in public. She did that too.
So now I’m sitting here wondering why I have went from not wanting anyone to see her in slightly revealing stuff to wanting her being seen fully nude. Why do I like the idea so much?
And should I tell her any of this?

  1. You should go for it ask her first before you do anything wild because that wouldn’t be fair and if she does like the idea or willing to try it then that’s a good thing I’ll be down if she does say yes

  2. You are proud of how attractive and sexy your girlfriend is and you want to show her off to others.

    It’s in the realm of hotwife kink, where you enjoy sharing your partner cause it’s hot.

    Do you send each other nudes, maybe mention how much you enjoyed the nude beach and how would she feel showing her nudes on reddit. Leaving face out of course for privacy etc.

  3. This happened with me. We were driving and a guy was checking her out. I told her she should flash him. She just giggled and asked if I’d really want her to do that. It opened up a huge convo and lead to us showing off a lot more. To me, it’s like showing off my new trophy. I love it.

  4. You have a solid relationship. And you feel comfortable in sharing something amazing in your life with others. I tell you, my man, there is nothing like the feeling of seeing your partner enjoyed by others. Whether it’s physically – if you get into the lifestyle – or just showing her off. I hope she’s receptive to the idea!

  5. This kink showed up for us recently as well. We scratch the itch when she posts content on Reddit, and sometimes we’ll share her pics on chatblink or other random chat sites. She likes when I show her off and then show her the chats after. It’s been a fun little kink to explore.

  6. Communication is key. She MUST consent. My wife is incredibly conservative about these types of things. She has never had a problem with sending me pictures or allowing me to take pictures of her in various states of undress.
    Like you, had someone told me, years ago, I would enjoy others seeing my wife, I would’ve told them they were insane.
    Fast forward to a time when my buddy and I were texting back and forth about an upcoming golf outing and he jokingly asked if the wife would be joining. When I said she would, he said something about her dressing provocatively (He was buzzed). When I brought it to my wife, she was “disgusted”. I initially thought nothing of it as he has always had a crush on my wife, but the more I thought about it, the more it turned me on, others being turned on by her.
    One night while she and I were having drinks, we started discussing it and after some talk, she confessed that she was aroused at what it did to me so we agreed to surprise him and sent him a few playful pictures. That day, a ‘conservative exhibitionist’ was born and ever since it has been fabulous.
    But it had to be communicated and it had to have her complete buy-in!

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