What does your woman do that makes you feel like you want space?

  1. That’s the reason I never committed to any girl even though I have been on many dates and had decent amount of opportunities. It feels suffocating and annoying to have to keep texting, listening to her feelings and all that crap all day. Your life becomes limited with extra responsibility. I feel claustrophobic around a woman all day and less productive.

  2. For me, it has nothing to do with women

    Sometimes, I just feel overwhelmed by all sorts of stuff in life and need to go take a bath, go on a walk or drive, take a nap, whatever

  3. Sometimes she can be unreasonable to due to her mood swings on her period. I once took my sister to the A&E and she was having a go at me over the phone for not prioritising her. First time I ever told her to piss off and ignored her calls.

    She apologised afterwards and got tested for PCOS but came back negative. She tracks her time of the month now and her realising she’s due on soon has been helping quite a bit.

  4. Nothing, I love her being around because she’s mentally stable, adds value to my everyday life by being her lovely self, and is a wonderful mother to our kids. I talk to her when I need a break because of outside frustrations like work or when I want to hang out with friends or watch a movie, and she’s always understanding as I try to do the same for her too.

  5. Usually, it’s just me wanting time up unwind or do one of my many projects or hobbies. The only time it’s really her, per se, is when she has a large group of friends over. They can be a bit much as they are very loud and Giggle a lot. This still is really more of a me problem through

  6. Nothing. She has a very quiet, calming demeanour, so I am never stressed out by her presence. I would happily spend every hour of every day with her for the rest of my life.

    I could see how it might be different for guys whose wives have a more aggressive personality though.

  7. Nothing really. I am a loner by nature and enjoy my space & me-time. I get grumpy without it!

    Nothing at all to do with whoever is in my life, it’s just who I am.

    Oddly enough I tend to attract clingy people, I really need to figure out how not to do that next time!

  8. After I’ve been working, I need an hour or two of quiet time to unwind. She on the other hand can sometimes be in the mood to talk.. a lot. If those two things happen at the same time, It can be a bit overwhelming and my brain shuts her out a bit and I become inattentive when normally I listen to what she’s saying.

    We’ve been together a long time though and we’re both open about it. “Sorry sweety, I’ve got work head”, “I’m sorry too, I can’t stop gabbing”.

  9. When they won’t admit to being wrong. If I’m able/expected to do so you should be also. If you’re being stubborn and know you’re wrong but won’t admit it stay away from me.

    Also the I’m mad at you because you’re mad at me thing. Ain’t got time for that.

  10. I’m introverted and quiet by nature. While yes I get talkative when I’m comfortable with someone even still I’ll have bouts of silence at times. For me. Just the constant need for conversation is exhausting at times. We’ve have multiple arguments (no fights because that’s different in my book) about how I don’t need to always talk to be happy that I’m with someone. She can’t seem to understand (or unwilling to accept) that I can be extremely happy just being in someone’s presence.

    Also at times it feels like nothing is just good enough. At times I’ll go above and beyond to ensure she’s happy and she’ll still find something to complain about. I have no-weekly conversations with her to see if she’s good in the relationship, if theirs anything she needs to air out or if there is anything lacking in our relationship, most of the time she says she’s very content with things and tells me how she is happy to be in such a mature relationship. Yet days later she’ll start up again with the usual, “you are too quiet “ bs. It’s just exhausting, I can’t imagine doing this for the rest of my life (I.e. marriage) just isn’t for me.

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