What was a time you believed karma exists ?

  1. When my abusive, alcoholic ex husband was handed his ass in court by the judge. He’s a cop and used intimidation tactics and threats to keep me silent. I documented everything. Texts. Calls. Harassment. He had no idea what he was in for that day. I knew right then and there that Karma was indeed a bitch and knew everyone’s address. You are responsible for the Karma you receive: good or bad.

  2. There was this bully. During the annual sport activity event, the teachers had to improvise as no outing for the school was available. So it was on school grounds with some odd activities.

    One activity was to carry two buckets full of water over an obstacle course. This was a class activity, by the way. The first went through the course with the buckets, handed it to the next, rinse and repeat.
    The goal was simple. Make it through the obstacles as fast as possible without dropping too much water. The remaining water was then multiplied with how many times we made it through the course.

    My turn came and that bully started shrieking about me dropping too much water, throwing slurs and other colorful speech at me before I even started to run. I really wanted to empty a bucket on his hat. I did not.

    Then his turn. The first obstacle was a bench. He tripped, dropped both buckets and obviously spilled everything. Not only that, both buckets broke.

    Our class had the lowest point with zero points. The entire class was furious at him. Deserved Karma.

  3. Some years ago, this ass-clown across the street slammed into my car which was parked on the street in front of my house. After nine years of great service from that car it was totaled. About a month ago, some random woman slammed into ass-clown’s car which was parked on the street in front of his house. He literally ran outside and started bawling at the sight of his mangled car. Karma is a bitch.

  4. Had an ex cheat on me. No clue why she decided to text me that she was getting married. Told her good for you. She called me jealous and miserable. I blocked her. Years later I got a call at like 12 am from a number I didn’t know (I have an easy number to remember because it has a lot of repetitive numbers and the same 4 at the end). I said hello, thinking it was a drunk friend. It was her calling in tears saying she made a mistake and her husband is abusive. I asked her what she wanted me to do about it. She said she didn’t know. I just told her welcome to married life, handle your shit. She works fast food now and is a single mom. Don’t know what happened to the guy.

  5. Reddit.

    Tons of people farming for it and in the end it’s utterly worthless.

    Kinda fitting if you think about it.

  6. Back when I was a child and still believed in Santa Clause. Karma does not exist in life and will never be real.

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