What things in life make you happy? What makes you feel fulfilled. I’ve quit smoking weed after 13+ years, I’m 27 with a beautiful girlfriend, but almost no real friends to hangout with if I’m not smoking with them. But sometimes I find myself wanting to go back to weed, I understand I need to feel fulfilled, in different areas in life.

So I truly have two questions. What makes you happy? And what makes you feel Fulfilled in life?

  1. Cocaine.

    But that’s been a while.

    I enjoy doing well at my job and getting recognition and results.

  2. these are massively deep questions. on a much shallower level. ive recently found a love for playing pool at pool halls/bars, taking it seriously is thoroughly enjoyable.

    also the look of jealousy on every guy i walk past in a shopping mall in my high end sneakers, never gets old.

  3. Comparing myself to who I was last year, or how far I’ve come. I look at myself in the mirror and I’m proud of what I see, what I’ve become, what I’ve accomplished. I look at my kitchen when all my dishes are cleaned, my room when the laundry is done, my dog when we are back from the dog park.

    You just become happy with what you have, and you do that by cutting out the negative shit. Focus on what you can control. Bad day at work cuz no one wants to do their job? Oh well, do what you can. The day will end eventually. Bread got moldy and can’t make French toast? Oh well, time to get a deep dish pizza.

  4. When I find my corner/people in a community for my hobbies/interests; or just people who treat me like a full on fan. Not some guest to the community who happens to like the subject matter. Because outside of my best friend and the women I date I pretty much don’t have luck with other people online at least for the most part. Like I have worked on myself too much for a lot of nerdy people to be comfortable around. And with the non-nerdy stuff I’m into I’m not some cold and burnt out person who wants to just live some sort of standoffish existence that has no room for flexibility or anything different.

    Just for so long when I was younger I was depressed and pushing all these people away. Yet even after checking most of the boxes that I thought would be the ideal for a healthy social life, It’s come up fruitless. I just have all this horsepower that I’m waiting for the chance to really let loose. It just would burn me out pretty fast without the proper social requirements in place. It just wouldn’t be cool to put all that pressure on my best friend, gf, and her friends.

  5. While you were getting high with friends you probably didn’t go out as much. Missed most of your teen and 20s. Re-experience some activities you did high now sober.

    Make a annual bucket list. Things that are attainable within your free time and budget. Like visit a museum. Some museum have free hours or lower cost times.

    Time to make new friends who don’t do weed. This is the hard part. But only takes one, maybe a neighbor, buddy from work who also has a SO that way you can do couples outings.

  6. I’ll start off with the professional side and then go personal.

    My career as a whole – though the past year has been extra stressful and at times had affected other parts of my life, overall, it helps keep me fulfilled and I am passionate about it as it is helping future generations as they go forward.

    On a personal level – i’ll start with hiking. I love nature (though I work in a different industry, I do have a bio/ecol degree). I love being out in nature and really taking a break from things and recharging.

    Also outdoors – gardening is fun, relaxing, and fruitful. As much as it is for me getting a nice bit of veggies, it is equally warming to see a friend/neighbors smile when I give them some stuff as well.

    There are other things, but those are tops on the list I suppose that isn’t like family/friends.

  7. Hobbies. For me, that was dancing. It’s a great community and despite the tensions and trials of competitions, everyone was really friendly and welcoming. Of course, the pandemic put a huge damper on that.

    My advice is to try some new things (even if it’s not something you would usually do – I got into dancing because a friend of mine didn’t want to go alone), and make some new friends.

  8. Playing guitar
    Spending time with the people i love
    Distracts me from everything else

  9. Only love. Other things have no any value in my life even life itself.

  10. Seeing my foes driven before me and hearing the lamentations of their women.

  11. To crush my enemies, to see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

  12. Having my work and talents be appreciated/bringing joy to others (especially children).
    Congrats on your improvement BTW.

  13. Nothing and everything. I don’t really know and I don’t care. Happiness is not something I pursue because it’s fickle & temporary for me.

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