So it’s just come to my attention that my brother (self employed landscaper reffered an electrical job to my cousin but asked for a “kickback” for the referral. My cousin being appreciative gave him a $100 gift card to the keg and my brother called him up and said ~ I don’t know what you typically give for kickbacks but this isn’t enough (eye roll) on my part because I think it’s just major asshole/cringy to even say anything or even ask for a “kickback”. Then I find out that my brother has asked for a payment of $250 …
I’m disgusted and feel so awkward and embarrassed for him( the brother) . Curious of thoughts on this and how you would handle the situation.
Personally I get referrals all the time and have NEVER been asked for kickbacks and think that is just friggen weird

1 comment
  1. Your Brother does sound cringey here, even in multimillion dollar companies that have built in referral systems, the most I’ve ever seen someone get is $500 and thats following 6 months of the referred person still being at the job. But your brother requesting that $ out of the pocket of your cousin? Lame asf

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