23 F. Never had a relationship. Straight.

Not sure where to start in this dating world. For sure, I’ve met people that I liked, but it never moved on to something more than that. There were a couple of times where I thought they liked me back and I confessed, then to only realize that I was being ‘led on’. Now a college student in my final year, I feel like if I don’t get into this now, I might as well stay alone. Of course, I do have crushes from time to time, and I know it is hard for me to like someone/develop a crush for them. But every single time, I end up only being platonic friends with them and there are no signs of them liking me back.

Maybe my problem is that I don’t prefer the usage of dating apps? Also maybe I’m not the type that likes to get intimate right away in relationships and maybe that thought is stopping me from moving forward or my past experience is preventing me from making the first move? Honestly, I have no clue and from time to time, I always contemplate on this topic and question myself. Would love to hear some advice if you have some!

  1. If you wanna cut through the bullshit with a feminine guy just be direct. If you’re hunting for a masculine guy, show him how much you want the job.

  2. I’d suggest start with quality time and work from there. One on one time spent with an individual of the opposite sex isn’t always to lead to romance, however, it is a great indicator of how the pursuit of romance between you two would go. For example, lots of stimulating conversation, feelings of comfort, desires to impress, mutual desire to see each other again in a similar setting (one on one), these are all strong go signs toward pursuing a relationship with someone. If you are feeling enough of these “go” signs and they haven’t already expressed a romantic interest, shoot your shot, tell them that you like them, and go from there based on their response. There is also no shame in admitting your inexperience if you do get a positive response after someone says they like you, in fact it is important to communicate how quick/slow you expect things to progress from there. Hope this helps!

  3. I’m gonna be 24 in 20 days, same story as you, couldn’t really hack it at dating. High-five 🙂

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