Hot dogs are an essential, possibly-Freudian part of my weekly rotation of food, and I just cannot imagine being the type who eats hot dogs only at sports games or on occasional holidays. The ‘childish’ connotation is something I really hate and don’t understand. Maybe the people who think that aren’t making them right or are buying the wrong brands. Years ago when I first learned I was lactose intolerant, my diet shifted further toward meat, so things like hot dogs, sandwiches, chicken, and fish all got bumped up on my Digestion Hot 100 chart. I’ve been liking them with mustard, ketchup, and some sweet relish lately. And there are so many good sides you can pair them with like Mac and cheese, Macaroni salad, Deviled Eggs, or maybe even Fries, Tots, or Onion Rings. Call me Joey Chestnut the way I swallow them dogs.

edit: [Update](

  1. Way more frequently than I should. Every other week and it’s 2 or 3 at a time. I buy the angus beef franks. Its one of my default(goto), “safety” “food” when I haven’t meal prepped and don’t feel like going out to pick anything up.

  2. I try to watch my sodium, so pretty rarely.

    Maybe a few times over the summer at BBQs and that’s about it.

  3. Two or three times a summer. I don’t make a fuss about them as a “childish” food but they’re not a mainstay for me.

  4. Twice a year? Not a big fan of high processed foods and there really isn’t anything more processed than a hot dog.

  5. I love them, My gamer tag is Hotdog Houdini, In the past ive used imahotdog, and hotdog gun.

    People ask why hotdog? I reply with “cause im the wurst”

    Though unhealthy, i love them. But i only eat about twice a year. I indulge though, avoring every greasy bite. Sometimes i dont need toppings, just bun and doggy.

  6. How do you like to prepare your hot dogs?

    I slice down the middle & grill both sides in a sandwich press ^((that still has the waffle plates inserted cuz i’m lazy & it works).)

    then split the bun, place frank halves side by side & serve it like loooong hamburger a la 5 guys.

    Recontextualizing the hot dog just a little will probably reduce the hard time people are giving you. Food is expensive & hotdogs (well, chicken-dogs) are still a dirt cheap source of protein, if food keeps getting expensive this & other peasant fare will lose it’s stigma (and then get expensive once people figure out how to make it taste great & trendy)

    I think I’m gonna get a pack of cheapo chicken-dogs, waffle them up to maximize surface area for satay sauce & serve with a sweet chili relish in a ketchup squeeze bottle. On a split bun of course because otherwise it’s a class-less hotdog.

  7. Ain’t nothing wrong with hot dogs… it’s just bologna in sausage form.

    Personally, I prefer Brats because I can change up the flavors every now and again. 🙂

  8. Wasn’t planning on having one any time soon, but there’s a hot dog place right by my work, so now I’ll have lunch there.

    Thanks for the idea!

  9. Never. After hearing about all the nasty stuff that goes into them and how they are made the idea of eating them just gives me the heebis jeebies. I’d rather get Brautwurst or make my own burgers instead.

  10. Girl here, but I’m eating a hot dog right now! Had ’em for dinner last night and breakfast this morning. And I’d do it again too.

  11. Every couple of weeks. I’m in NZ. Here a ‘hot dog’ is a frank on a stick that is battered and deep fried. Every fish and chip shop sells them.

    A frank in a bun here is an ‘American hot dog’. They aren’t very common. Maybe once a year for those.

  12. At least a few times one week out of a month since I tend to make chili often. Easy, very filling meal for me.

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