There is this girl in my gym, and I have seen her and her friend looking in my direction, so I thought she might be intrested in me, (but she always had that resting B face) and whenever I am in the gym she somehow end working next to me/ or somewhere near me (could be a total coincidence), so when I last time saw her in the gym, she was working right next to, I approched her and said “Hey I have seen you couple of times in the gym and just wanted to introduce myself” she was supercool about it and was super polite/nice and we both introduced our seleves (I kept it short and simple). I think I have chance with her, Any ideas what should be my next move. She’s mostly with her friend, this time she was by herself

(Please don’t tell me not approch women in the gym, they are there to workout)

  1. The gym is a tough scene in regards to that. Its a great place to “meet people from a distance”, but knowing when to go all in is tough to judge. The best scenario is if you were working out in the same area and you were able to strike up a conversation somehow, then try to gauge if she is being short with you in an attempt to get back to her workout, or if she seems genuinely interested.

    I have ended up dating a few people from the gym, but I always seemed to run into them outside the gym, which was a much more relaxed environment for real conversation.

  2. The best might be to not be weird and walk past by her or use a machine next to her and make a subtle comment in a joking way that makes her laugh and after start a convo and dont make it to long be like hey need to finish my training but ey lets hang out sometime initiate a place and a time works like magic keep it light ask her number. Maybe if ur gym has a bar ask her to go get a shake together after training.

  3. You have made the first move, ball is now in her court. Be polite but keep it to small talk. Don’t ask for numbers or dates unless she openly flirts.

    If she is interested, you will notice it in the next few weeks. She’ll start to openly flirt.

    If she is not, be polite but move on.

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