Cuddling after sex

Does cuddling lead to more intimacy for you? I’ve been hanging out with this guy and our first time we had sex we cuddled, but the second time we talked about family memories and cuddled all night and slept over and for me this is a green flag, but we don’t talk much outside of hanging out which I’m fine with because I’m not a big texter and we’re both very busy, but does this indicate that he may could care about me more than just a hook up buddy?

  1. I cuddle with everyone, whether it’s casual or not. The only person who can tell you is him.

  2. For years, I never cuddled with FWBs. Then I met this one woman and it just happened naturally. Now we’re happily married. Did the cuddles cause this? Maybe.

  3. I haven’t been in a relationship yet but I’m a lovey-dovey guy I’d definitely cuddle outside of sex

  4. Ehhhhhh, in my (f) experience, cuddling after doesn’t mean anything really…. especially if we are mostly only talking to set up a hookup. I’ve done it in a lot of my FWBs and relationships. Just part of the sexual process sometimes lol I don’t put any extra thought into it, if a dude wants more than sex from me, he will put in the effort

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