How many hours a day do you usually wear makeup?

  1. Depends on how long I’ll be out and about. Usually only a few hours and I take it all off right when I get home.

  2. I’ve just done the math, 11 hours, five days a week. I work 9 hours and my commute to and from work is an hour each way 🙂

  3. As someone who likes to have a full face on if possible when going out/doing things, all day until I’m home ready to relax & do my night routine, around 10-12hrs!!

  4. None, never have. Always felt strange the few times that I have. And felt like I looked clownish. And then there’s having to wash it off. I’ll see (some) young girls wearing it and want to tell them that they don’t need it.

  5. Zero

    Make up in general is bad for your skin, the make-up industry is awful and I hate the way it feels on my face like I’m wearing a mask.

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