I try to smile and greet coworkers and customers, I give compliments, I try to start conversations when I can work up the nerve.

But it never fails like 80 or 90% of people don’t like me.

I’ve beat myself up over it thinking into it.

Is it because I’m not very pretty?

Because I get nervous and shy?

Because I’m stupid?

Are that many people actually that mean? It seems unlikely right. That’s why I keep wondering what I’m doing to be such a push able loser when I just want to be nice to people.

I went home miserable tonight from getting yelled out for no reason from someone I really thought was cool at first. She’s pretty and funny and a hardworking lady that felt like a mom figure…..but she rolled her eyes and got mad at me for not hearing what she said.

I’m sorry

1 comment
  1. Oh, honey bunny. Don’t beat yourself up about it.

    There are a lot of reasons why someone might seem to not like you. Could be something with them, or with you. You could have something like autism, where the NT majority reacts negative due to primal reason, or simply because you lack a bit of confidence, which makes shitty people happily act shitty.

    Strangers can’t really tell you that without explicit examples/knowing your case. Have you ever asked people why they might react negatively towards you? Even as a literal “Hey, I just got the impression you don’t like me. Why is that?” would help

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