My boyfriend and I have been together for 1.5 years. When we first met, we had a very active sex life. He was recently out a 2 year long sexless relationship and I had been single and not seeing anyone for a while. We were having sex 2 or 3 times a day. That eventually tapered off to once a day or once every other day which we were both okay with.

We’ve recently been experiencing a bit of a rough patch in our relationship but our sex life hasn’t really been impacted until now.

We haven’t had sex in over week, and he’s leaving the country on vacation for 5 days on Wednesday and when I told him that I missed him and that I wanted to see him before he left so we can fix that he didn’t seem to particularly care that much.

We have a trip planned for the Wednesday after he gets back. While on that trip I want to try to spice things up and get back to a fulfilling sex life but idk where to start.

What are some things I can try? We’re going to be at a beach resort in Mexico.

Edit: All is well lol. I told him I felt a bit sexually neglected and we had sex that night and then again in the morning. He’s leaving for his trip later today. While he’s gone I’m gonna do some lingerie shopping, thanks ya’ll!

  1. Have you tried simply asking if he’d like to try anything new, fun, and interesting in the bedroom? Simply starting that dialogue with your partner can be very beneficial at getting things your partner thinks is sexy out into the air! I know it certainly helped my relationship.
    Having a clear dialogue on what your partner wants and needs from you is very helpful.
    Good luck!!!

  2. Sounds like the NRE ran out and if he’s in a second low to no sex relationship, the issue is in his mirror. Nothing will spice up the bedroom unless he WANTS to add spice. Does he?

  3. Tell him you want him to try taking viagra when you guys get to Mexico! It’s a game changer and will rejuvenate your sex life

  4. I feel like the only way to spice it up is to get to the root of why he hasn’t wanted to spice it up. In a similar situation with a longer relationship. I feel like she’s having a hormonal imbalance due to a spine injection she received recently. Which has happened in the past with her. Boring answer but maybe just ask him what’s going on 🤷‍♂️

  5. Ask him why he’s not wanting sex first, then fix it.

    Or send him a nude then invite home over drag him in the shower then suck his dick , do that daily for a bit

  6. Sexy lingerie always works for my boyfriend. We have been together for 5 years by now, and our sex life is definitely monotonous compared to how it was in the beginning. Once in a while we spice it up with toys, lingerie, erotic massages before sex and stuff like this. I don’t think he would say no to a sexy outfit so maybe you can start from there

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