What do you regret not doing as a teenager?

  1. I wish I sought out extra cirriculars and community outside of my high school and my parents’ church.

  2. I wish I had dropped out of school earlier. Would have saved me at least one rough mental period.

  3. Having sex, having a boyfriend, a girls’ holiday, nights out drinking and dancing. Basically, having fun.

  4. I wish I’d gotten a breast reduction (not that my parents ever would have allowed it). I could have saved myself 20 years of pain, shame, and inability to exercise.

  5. A lot 😅
    Wish i didn’t care so much, partied, dated and stuff,.enjoying the moment more.

  6. Ditching the group of fake friends and do my own thing. I am a very social person and don’t really have any problems making new friends. Except these people made me think I was stupid, weird and so on to the point where I became afraid of leaving the group and making new friends.

  7. Go to public school. I was homeschooled and my mom (and other homeschoolers) had me convinced that public school was the worst place ever. But I was (and am) a super learner and would have really thrived in that environment, not to mention I would have had access to a counselor and college help. My parents didn’t help me with any of that. I think I would have been introduced to a wider group of diverse people too, which would have sped up the process of being more accepting and less judgmental of others.

  8. I just turned 19 in July. I feel like I haven’t had much fun, I’ve always had to be the responsible one, the mature one, the smart one. I have sisters who are 5 and 3 who look up to me, and the 5 year old was born when I was 13, the start of it all.

    I want to actually enjoy being nineteen and my final year being a teenager. I don’t want to waste this last year.

  9. Wish I could have partied more, and just spent more time with my friends outside of school in general

  10. Socializing, I was too shy, too scared to make conversation I’m lacking a lot of social skills. Now even sending an email or talking casually with some people ends up me having a mental breakdown when I get home. I have friends and a boyfriend and the more I go out the more I see I’m way below the curve on what’s normal.

  11. Being more “rebellious”. Not the dangerous type of rebellion of course. But I had basically no real life experience until my mid 20’s because I was so sheltered.

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