I (29F) recently attended a wedding with my boyfriend as his plus 1. I’ve met most of his friends prior to the wedding, except a handful of them who were also attending the wedding.

Long story short — my boyfriend ended up going into detail with me about how he went to a dance in college with one of the bridesmaids (who was attending the wedding with her boyfriend), and would not stop telling me how hot she is (several times), and how he wished he hooked up with her in college when he had the chance.

Towards the end of the night, I noticed the two of them holding hands and walking towards me (I was getting the car to drive home as the DD). He sprung it on me that I had to drive her and her bf back to their Airbnb, which of course I did.

When we got there, he got out of the car to say goodbye and she was all over him — kissing him, hugging him, all while me (and her bf!) were right there.. afterwards my bf continued to talk about how hot she was.

I decided to wait to bring it up until he was sober the next day and he said he had no problems with hugging a friend. He accused me of nagging him about it and proceeded to breakup with me for not just letting it go.

We’ve been together for 3 years and I can’t help but feel upset. Was I overreacting or was that disrespectful enough to be brought up/addressed?

  1. Hell no, you weren’t overreacting. You should have left his ass there when you saw them holding hands. Why are you even questioning yourself? You deserve so much better than that loser. How humiliating to have your date do that. It’s awful.

    Try to get in touch with someone to help you through this and DO NOT take him back. He cheated right to your face. He is the lowest type of man.

  2. You have been too kind already. I had a similar situation once and just walked out. Had a 1 minute phone call the next day and never spoke again

  3. I am shocked he was the one to break up with you.

    I definitely thought you were going to be the one breaking up with him.

    I would end my relationship over this.

    You don’t sit there and drool over another person in front of your partner and then at the end of the night be all them.

    The lack of self-awareness is outstanding.

  4. this is fake right? I don’t like condoning violence but girl you should of slapped him across the face and dumped his ass.

  5. No, you were were/are not overreacting to the immense disrespect. What he said was horrible if you two were on your first date, and this is 3 years later??

    I know it hurts now, but be grateful he broke up with you. It’s not often that the trash takes itself out.

  6. You never have to be a decent person when someone is treating you like shit. You take their shit, make them a sandwich with it and serve it to them on a plate with a smile. The whole break-up thing was so he can hook up with her without “cheating.” He’ll then call and apologize and want to reconcile. He’s a cruel fool and you are free. Go find yourself a good guy that treats you well.

  7. Oh hell no.

    How they *both* behaved was unbelievably rude & disrespectful to you. You had every right to be upset & bring it up!

    You should have been the one to break up with him, but regardless the trash has been taken out. That’s the main thing.

  8. Hell no you didn’t over react, there both extremely disrespectful and how you didn’t kick off when they was hugging and kissing I don’t know..

    He probably going to try his luck with her fuck her and beg for you back pretending that he hasn’t done anything wrong.

    I personally would text him then block him.

    ” I think breaking up was the right choice, you was both absolutely disrespectful the whole night and in front of me and her poor boyfriend, if that’s how you behave while I’m around, god knows what you have done when I wasn’t, so I’m glad it’s over. You are not worth my time. And don’t think you can hook up with her and come back like nothing happened, we are done and I am blocking you. Good luck in the future ”

    Then block

  9. Your ex-bf is a real A-hole and a scumbag. It’s best you found this out before you married him!

  10. How did you not give her a scare in the middle of the hugging.

    Also what’s up with her bf 😭 he should have slapped your guy to North Pole.

  11. You underreacted and I hope you learn to love and respect yourself more than this before you go back to dating.

  12. He broke up so he could shag her, then will try and come back to you. You’re being gaslit and manipulated, so hopefully, you don’t become a doormat and realize your self-worth and move on, because he is not it.

    They were both disrespectful directly in your face, alcohol has nothing to do with it.

  13. Overreacting? He made out with his “hot” friend in front of you!

    You should have left him there.

  14. Hun, I’m gonna say this in the nicest way I can, you need to work on your self esteem. *NO ONE* should just sit by and tolerate their boyfriend acting that way let alone in front of them. When he tries coming back, which they all do, don’t even respond. He dumped you because he finally got the green flag to mess around with her (wedding shenanigans). Love yourself more.

  15. Was he looking for a reason to end the rship? Does he think he has a chance with her? Either way, he did you a favor.

  16. OP, your now EX-BF did you a HUGE favor. Hold your head high & walk away from this train wreck of a person.

  17. He’s gotta come crawling back when she doesn’t want to leave her boyfriend for him. Make sure the door is closed.

  18. >When we got there, he got out of the car to say goodbye and she was all over him — kissing him, hugging him, all while me (and her bf!) were right there..

    I would have driven off right there

  19. You may not see it yet OP but he just did you a massive favour.

    The realisation will come one day when you look back on what you life is and what it could have been with him, and you’ll smile to yourself about the man shaped bullet you dodged.

    Your ex is a giant dick.

  20. Were you overreacting??? GIRL. How badly did this man manipulate you? I would’ve kicked both of them out of the car on the damn spot for acting like that. Your ex is an absolute sleezeball and you’re so much better off without this guy. Him and that girl deserve each other, and they’ll lose each other in the same way when another piece of eye candy walks by. I’m sorry that happened to you

  21. Not overreacting, under reacting. I would have left his ass there at the reception! He’s immediately heading to her to hookup. DO NOT take him back if he comes sniveling his way begging forgiveness in the future. Consider yourself free and move on from this turd! Try to be thankful he didn’t waste another day of your time. I’m so angry for you! Hugs op.

  22. He disrespected you all night and to your face. She was all over him, that’s why he broke up with you by saying you’re over reacting. He wants to get with her and make you take the blame for the break up. I’m so sorry, you deserve way better!

  23. I honestly would’ve broke up with him at the reception for his behaviour. After being with you for 3 years, how on earth did he think that was appropriate? Fvck that guy.

    He probably thinks he has his shot with that girl so he’s gonna take it. If things don’t work out after that, be prepared for him to try to reach out to you. DO NOT take him back. Do not respond to him.

    Also, how did *her* boyfriend react to her behaviour?? Like wtf?

  24. He broke up with you because he thinks he has a shot with miss bridesmaid.

    He’ll be begging you to come back when he realizes she’s not interested.

    Don’t take him back.

    It’s about self respect at this point.

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