So… just found out my pregnant wife has 20k in debt and feels underwater. I have been trying to tell her that we will figure it out together and we can see about refinancing or finding other options but I am freaking out a little with a baby on the way.

Any advice?

  1. 20 grand is not insurmountable with the right mindset.

    Take a look at this.

    You can also start looking at some of the survey sites like swagbucks etc. There was an article a few years back in the Washington Post and a couple was able to pay off that amount in around a year or so. They did surveys and got gash back on their purchases. Some of the survey sites pay a couple of hundred dollars at a time especially the ones in person or via webcam. Fieldwork is decent. Good luck.

  2. My wife and I just filed bankruptcy for a similar debt. She racked up a huge debt and there were some things we both were on but due to Covid affecting jobs and income, we fell too far behind to even try catching up

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