Today, i was sitting on a bus, and a girl came up (i saw her before on the same route). When i looked at her i saw she was already looking at me and sat in front off me. I looked at her because i think she looks cute, sometimes i dont look at her because i dont want she thinks i always look at her. But today it was the opposite. We go down on the same station. Like said before she sat in the row direct infront of me. When she was preparing to stand up she looked at me. The look wasnt just normal. It was kind off a strong gaze with her eyes a bjt more open than with a normal look. Directed at my eyes. Ps i forget to mention before she sat maybe 2 or 3 times next to me in a span of 4 month.

So i know it is a stupid question and the signals are not strong if u can call them even that. But is there a possibility she could be interested in me.

Any opinion from my short story is alpeciated.

Thank you in advance.

  1. Don’t overthink it, you’ll drive yourself crazy doing it. Maybe just start off by greeting her? Doesn’t have to be a full conversation.

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