How much does High School really matter? (Like you are telling someone in high school)

  1. The drama that occurs there is meaningless but those 4 years really helps set a precedent for the rest of your life depending on how you do, academically.

  2. It really doesn’t matter. Lessons are learned and social skills developed for most kids. You can get into college with not high marks easily and make a good living

  3. High school matters educationally…other than that don’t sweat it. You have alot of growing to do. Who you are now won’t be who you are 10 years from now…and don’t let anyone from high school try to keep you in that space. Go be yourself, individuality is cool.

  4. Yeah. The education, some of the experiences you have, some of your friends really do matter. The clicks, this one is popular, that one is best dressed, gossip and bullshit does not matter at all.

  5. The education matters. Learn what you can for real! I messed up and only cared about the popularity side of high school. My thoughts revolved around my image. HIGHSCHOOL ENDS and you don’t do it over again. Search everywhere for a passion. In my opinion highschool is the most important education wise, college is useless. Everything they teach in college is literally in a book in your local library

  6. It’s where you start to develop a lot of habits. Those matter throughout life.

  7. It’s where you start to develop a lot of habits. Those matter throughout life.

  8. It’s where you start to develop a lot of habits. Those matter throughout life.

  9. It’s where you start to develop a lot of habits. Those matter throughout life.

  10. that depends on your life goals.

    if you plan to go to a good college, high school grades matter your first year and then don’t matter at all. then your college gpa is what matters if you intend to pursue a higher degree. if you don’t, your college grades will only matter the first time you try to get a “real” job. after that, they don’t matter at all.

    if you don’t plan to go to college after high school, your high school education won’t matter too much. the only time it might come back to bite you in the ass is when you need to write an important letter and can’t articulate yourself well in writing, or if your child needs help with their algebra homework, but you know nothing about algebra.

  11. Entirely dependent on the individual. I was a mess in HS. Barely passed.

    Now quite successful, bachelors degree, working in an awesome field, love my job, own a home and have very little debt.

    Just always focused on being better than I was before. That’ll get you pretty far. Also, saying yes to things.

  12. Almost nothing. Get through, get out, don’t hang around. If high school is the best time of your life you messed up.

  13. I never went got GED make more then than most of my friends that went to college

  14. You can get a lot of things in high school. Good friends, a career path, clubs or sports…

    You can get them elsewhere or after but there are a lot of things you can get and take with you for your whole life.

  15. A lot. Not just from an educational standpoint but from a social one as well.

  16. It’s a stepping stone that gets you to the next one. You’re unlikely to make it to the next one if you don’t at least put a foot on it.

  17. High School is where you will pick up most of your good and bad habits for the rest of your life. Some of them will diminish or be more pronounced as you age but they will be there. Watch yourself. You WILL become person you hang around and admire that isn’t your family.Smoking,drinking,drugs,mental issues -they all have source somewhere in 14-18 age bracket. So do musical,profesional,interpersonal talents etc.

  18. Not that much. You could make a 2.0 GPA and still get a good job. Detention is not a deal breaker either.

    I had a real stick up my ass in high school thinking it was so important because everyone said it was. You’re a kid. Everyone expects you to do stupid stuff as a kid. It’s just a lie parents and teachers say to keep you in line. So long as you don’t get expelled for violence most people won’t even care

  19. High School really doesn’t matter. You won’t interact with most of the people ever again outside of reunions. If you did the bare minimum on your educational choices (i.e. took a lot of gym and study hall instead of physics) you’ll have a harder time learning later in life.

    Your early to mid twenties will define you more as you actually venture out into the world, assuming you choose to do so.

  20. It matters if you want to get into a good university. But that’s about it.

  21. Matters for some things, doesn’t for others. If someone explained to me in which ways it mattered for them when I was in Highschool, it wouldn’t have made much sense. Life is a strange trip, just try to enjoy it. No need to overthink it.

  22. It doesn’t have to matter what happens in it but unfortunately it usually plays a decent part of what you do for the rest of your life.

    Childhood trauma and habits and fears and dreams are all the foundation of who we are. Many people here will say high school has zero importance and talk about it as if they have resentment towards people who enjoyed high school.

    Those people were formed during high school bc they hated high school lol Not that it should be anyones highest point of life but also you shouldn’t feel ashamed if you enjoyed high school or college.

  23. None. Like literally fucking zero. If you’re going to college, your grades make a bit of a difference. But socially, professionally, and long term development it couldn’t matter less.

  24. As long as you don’t totally blow it, it really doesn’t matter. Nobody cares if you were valedictorian or got straight C’s.

    The only thing grades matter for is getting scholarships; if you don’t plan on going to college, or you’re going somewhere really cheap, just get the diploma and don’t worry about it too much.

  25. It’s 6 years or so of your life, so of course it matters. It’s a period that leads to other things. It matters because virtually everyone goes through it, and it provides education, friends and social frameworks. You don’t have to kill it grade-wise, and grades aren’t the point, it’s more about going through an important part of life. Also, the non-school world is simply not well set up to accommodate high school age folk who are not in high school, it just isn’t ready for you and doesn’t have a place for you yet.

  26. As far as the education goes? Minimally. Besides college, as long as you have your diploma or GED you’re basically fine. The lessons you learn during your high school years though can be very valuable.

  27. If you’re talking about public high school in the U.S., it doesn’t matter at all. The public school system is a joke used only to brainwash kids into a specific political and social ideology.

  28. Not that much. For me at least, it was mainly just me trying to get into my dream college and working really hard to achieve that. I made a few close friends that I consider my best friends and we still talk all the time. Other than that, nobody will remember the clothes you wore or a particular test you had to take. Just live in the moment and work hard to get to where you want to be once you graduate, be it college, a career, etc

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