Think the songs you can’t stand become the only songs you hear
The food you don’t like become the only thing you eat

  1. I’d be irritated and frustrated.

    I really don’t see what kinds of answers you’re expecting to get here, is anyone going to feel nice and happy about this?

  2. If you can’t beat them. Join them

    I wish I had that kind of mindset. I’m too stubborn and picky, unfortunately 😒

  3. I’d dedicate my life to mindfulness meditation and try to use it to become a better Buddhist.

    Try to make something good out of unrelenting annoyance.

  4. It would depend on what it was, but I would curate my life in the areas I can control to provide myself alternatives. Where I couldn’t do so, it would be anywhere from a minor annoyance or frustrating to even offensive or upsetting depending on what it was.

    There are very few things in life with no viable alternative options to avoid them unless you are a prisoner or otherwise have your freedom of choice oppressed by someone.

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