I (21m) Met a girl (21f) off tinder (I literally rarely get any matches let alone ones that will respond to me) She’s super interested right off the bat. She comes over to watch a movie. Never been with a girl that interested in me. Was calling me hot. Things escalate and it was fun. She was implying for another date, but I don’t think she’s someone I’d date and that I can do better. I don’t want to come off as a dick. Note that I don’t think she would be too upset to just do friends with benefits. Also she talks about her exs a lot which is a red flag.

1 comment
  1. You don’t sound like a dick, you are a dick. You have every right to not be interested but you don’t have to speak about it that way. Just tell her you don’t see things going further.

    Don’t let one girl being interested in you sky rocket your confidence Mr. Rarely Get Any Matches.

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