Would I be wrong for leaving home I (19f) still live at home and I can’t take it anymore I have a bad attitude because I’m tired of people walking over me I’m setting boundaries and they are overstepped all the time and actions justified I do blow up when confronted about different things and I’m realizing I need to work on it and not care as much past actions and decisions are always brought up in arguments and thrown in my face such as bad relationships or decisions I made in high school I’ve got an I don’t care attitude because I’m constantly being told you need to care more I’ve been pushed constantly and I’m tired of it if I care it comes off the wrong way I don’t care I should care there’s never any middle ground last night I think was my last straw my dad called me worried and when I tried to ask what was wrong he snapped at me I said I didn’t appreciate that and I got yelled at saying what ever attitude I’ve been having needs to stop I said no I’m not going to be disrespected if I give respect I expect it in return he had gotten up out of his chair at that point and I still stood my ground saying I’m not going to be disrespected he said he will talk to me how ever he pleases I’m his daughter I said no absolutely not if I give respect I expect respect and said if so I can leave both asked and go where I said idk idc I’ll figure it out mom said oh anything’s better then this huh? I said at this point yes she said oh so we just give you everything and we get spit on I said no I help out around the house and with groceries but because I don’t want to be disrespected I have a bad attitude it was a whole mess and I’m not sure as of how to feel I’m working towards getting my permit car and license (the reason why I don’t have them is another story) and once I get them I will be finding my own place I want to get away I’m controlled and I’m lashing out and I’m not shaping up to be a good person in the world sorry for the long rant I needed it off my chest but I wanna know would I be wrong for leaving

  1. Not wrong. Sometimes parents don’t start seeing you as an individual until they no longer have power over you. Sometimes they never see you as a person, and only as an extension of themselves.

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