In this case, I’m talking about rivalries where:

* Groups A and B are in a rivalry with each other, but Group A almost always wins out over Group B, or
* Group B insists they’re in a rivalry with Group A, but Group A hardly seems to think about them

  1. Wyoming hates Colorado.

    Colorado doesn’t even think about Wyoming.

    But the sports rivalry is decent, uwyo and csu.

  2. > Group B insists they’re in a rivalry with Group A, but Group A hardly seems to think about them

    Besides the United States and western Europe?

  3. Oregon and California. Oregonians often dislike Californians, but Oregon is just another state to most Californians.

  4. For Texas?

    A&M and University of Texas.

    The whole thing started when the state was talking about rolling A&M into the UT system so for the Aggies it’s a fight for existence while for UT it’s just kinda…meh.

  5. Lots of places that have a high population (especially with a bit of wealth so they can buy a second property or summer house) and residents travel, vacation, or move to other places are once sided.

    Like all these people hate California and California isn’t thinking of them at all.

    Northern New Englanders hate Massachusetts because we vacation there and buy second homes. When people that owned second homes in NH and Maine went there during Covid? They got nasty notes and their car’s keyed, etc. Felt ironic as our hospitals were filled with serious cases from the those states. They bought a house – pay outrageous property taxes up there without using the schools, etc. I don’t know why so many folks were terrible about it. They come down for Mass jobs so I don’t care if they are just adding to traffic because they pay income taxes here so they are chipping in.

    Country people hate city people that come and buy lake properties.

    I am sure there are similar things like this all over the country.

  6. Not exactly a rivalry between US states, but most Americans forget Canada is there until someone mentions them. Canada seems to think about the US a lot, though Reddit may not be a great barometer for that sort of thing.

  7. >Group B insists they’re in a rivalry with Group A, but Group A hardly seems to think about them

    Canada’s national identity is based on being different from and better than the US. Americans have a generally positive view of Canada and many have no idea they resent us.

  8. Los Angeles vs San Francisco or San Diego.

    LA doesnt care

    I suspect New York is the same with Boston, or Miami with Tampa.

  9. I don’t know if this really fits, but there’s this stereotype that New Mexicans don’t like tourists from Texas. When I lived in El Paso, we were like “Yeah I get that other Texans can be annoying, but they’re not talking about *us*.”

  10. I’m going to kind of do a reverse one.

    As a UNC person, some Tar Heels like to say that NC State is in an imaginary rivalry with us. I say this is LIES and the rivalry is real and alive, but I hope that we would both align and combine our hatred against Duke when the situation arises.

  11. Here’s one that probably won’t make it: any of West Virginia University’s biggest rivalries.

    * WVU’s biggest rival is Pitt (they play this weekend at WVU). Although the Backyard Brawl as it’s called is big at WVU, Pitt fans hardly talk about WVU unless there’s some sort of competition. Regardless, last year’s game in Pittsburgh was the largest in the city’s history in terms of attendance.
    * WVU also has a historical regional rivalry with Penn State dating back to 1904, but the Nittany Lions have taken wins in 49 of their 58 meetings on the football field, including their most recent meeting in week one of this season. Again, PSU doesn’t really think about WVU.
    * WVU also has an in-state rivalry with Marshall, a smaller athletic program on the other side of the state. Due to the in-state nature of the rivalry, it is frequently a topic of discussion, but the two football teams have only met 12 times since 1911, with WVU taking all of them, mostly in blowout fashion (including 81-0 and 92-6 wins in the 1920s)
    * There has also been a “rivalry” budding with Texas since WVU joined the Big 12. It really isn’t a rivalry in the traditional sense, more that the Longhorns are an easy team to hate from WVU’s perspective and the matchups in the conference have mostly been pretty good.

    There are, of course with all college sports, a bunch of other rivalries throughout the years, but those are the ones that really stick out for this question.

  12. Georgia Tech vs. University of Georgia

    I’m a GT grad. UGA is the juggernaut that we *sometimes* prevail over.

    UGA is more challenged by their rivalry with UF (University of Florida).

  13. Any time there’s a dynasty football team, every other team seems to think they’re rivals. The Bills, Jets, and Colts all called the New England Patriots their big rival in the Pats’ glory days. The Pats pretty regularly ran them over without blinking.

  14. Everyone versus California.

    I don’t think California cares until they venture beyond their borders and experience it.

  15. The United States and Western Europe. We couldn’t give less of a fuck about them but they truly despise us for whatever reason. Lovely places to visit though.

  16. Reno thinks it’s in a rivalry with Las Vegas. Las Vegas is barely aware of Reno’s existence.

  17. Nebraska and Iowa football. Iowa beating Nebraska is their Super Bowl and we don’t even think about Iowa.

  18. The Illibuck. Penn State also tried to make a rivalry with Ohio State. We weren’t interested.

  19. Notre Dame vs Navy (aka the US Naval Academy) at football. Notre Dame has won a pretty large share of the games but iirc they play Navy as a gesture of gratitude for the Navy helping them out during WWII.

  20. Georgia Tech still thinks about University of Georgia as their main rival, but UGA has won 17 of the last 20 meetings, and is much more concerned with LSU, UF and Bama at this point.

  21. Philadelphia generally resents NYC, particularly when their sports teams do well, but except for maybe the Eagles fans, I doubt New York really notices.

  22. Detroit Lions and the Green Bay Packers. Detroit consistently loses to Green Bay and fans insist there is a rivalry between the two, but Green Bay fans are in a much more intense rivalry with Chicago and Minnesota, and hardly think about Detroit.

  23. Cubs and White Sox. The Sox fans hate the Cubs with every fiber of their being, the Cubs don’t even think about them

  24. Steelers and bengals…..i get they are a newer team but we have the browns…..we dont care about you. Nor have we ever….come on.

  25. People from Philly seem to have a problem with everyone else, including everyone else in Philly

  26. The University of Notre Dame has played against the US Naval Academy in football nearly every year since 1927. The series was uninterrupted until the COVID pandemic. Notre Dame has won about 85% of these games with the longest streak of ND wins being about 40 years long. Despite the lopsidedness, it’s considered to be an important game for both schools, and it’s one of the reasons why Notre Dame hasn’t joined the ACC in football.

  27. NCSU vs UNC basketball. NCSU thinks they are UNC’s main rival. UNC and Duke think their main rival is each other.

  28. > Group B insists they’re in a rivalry with Group A, but Group A hardly seems to think about them

    In baseball, the Los Angeles Dodgers and San Francisco Giants have a rivalry that goes back about 100 years, since they were both New York City teams. The San Diego Padres chief rival is also the Los Angeles Dodgers, but Dodgers fans don’t really say that the Padres are much of a rival.

  29. DC and Baltimore. People in DC don’t care about Baltimore while people in Baltimore will use any metric to say it’s a better city even though it objectively isn’t. Ravens fans and Commanders fans don’t really care about each other or the other team, but I get the feeling there’s no love lost between Nats and O’s fans, however they’re both united in their hate for O’s owner Peter Angelos.

  30. Ohio State Buckeyes and every other school in Ohio, for sure.

    UC grad here, I fucking hate the Buckeyes (unless they play Michigan). I went to the UC Buckeyes game a few years ago, Bearcat fans were running their mouths, talking shit. Buckeye fans just kinda thought we were thugs and not much beyond that. I think the hatred is pretty one way on that one.

  31. As a Chicago Bears fan I’m sad to admit that the Green Bay Packers have our number.

    As an Illinois resident I like Wisconsin for its beer and cheaper gas, and that’s about it.

  32. I have a hunch that Idaho cares more about Utah than Utah does about Idaho. At least with a bit of idahoan I’ve talked to, they seem to place a larger stake between us while I’m just “Holy shit yeah you do exist don’t you?”

  33. University of South Carolina vs Clemson in football. I graduated from South Carolina and I have no idea how it is now, but Clemson was one of if not the best teams in the country who would regularly give us a good whooping.

  34. Memphis Grizzlies keep saying they are in a rivalry with the Warriors, but the Grizz haven’t won anything.

  35. For football specifically, it’s Nevada vs UNLV. Since the Fremont Cannon trophy series has been going on, it’s 29-19.

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