I dated my bff about a year ago, and broke things off due to both of our mental healths. We stayed really good friends and consider each other really important in each others lives. About 6 months ago, we started sleeping again after he left 4 months to Spain for a students exchange —as it turns out, 4 months of absolutely no contact were enough to drive us both crazy.

We stayed friends, as part of the reason we broke up was that I wasn’t ready for a relationship, but we very often continue to have intimacy. At least twice a week, usually more, and often times we stay in each others apt, have breakfast/dinner together and cuddle before we leave our separate ways.

Problem is, I now want to go back to dating. I enjoy what we have but I know it’s time I stop and get in something more stable. I sometimes think he feels the same way about me but also feels too comfortable with us just being fwb (mind, we’re both exclusive and have it as a rule to not date anyone without telling the other so we can stop the sex).

I want to tell him I want something else, and that if not with him then I’ll simply move on, but at the same time I don’t wanna lose him.

TMI he’s also one of the best partners in bed I’ve ever had and I also don’t know if my feelings for him are really just that I am dicked down.

1 comment
  1. Well you can keep doing what you’re doing and hope it magically works out or you can talk to him about this and both know the truth and decide from there or you can drop it and move on. Only one of those will reveal how he actually feels and give you accurate information wo go off. Everything else is just blind guessing and that never works.

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