Men who have been cock blocked, what happened?

  1. I was studying abroad. Made friends with a couple cute girls in my program. We traveled together on long weekends. We went to Dublin. Decided to see Riverdance in their home theater. Was at the bar getting us a few drinks. The bartender was gorgeous and actually started flirting. I know that bartenders do for tips. But she asked me what I was doing after the show and was ignoring customers to chat with me. We get to talking about where to meet up later. That’s when the two girls I was traveling with came up and said “what’s taking so long with our drinks?”. The bartender got instantly cold with me. I have the girls shit for it and they thought it was pretty funny.

  2. I was 20 years old and in the US navy. I was in Vancouver Washington on leave at sea fair. We were out partying and I was in the white dress uniform as was everyone else we were with.

    Myself and the guy I was going around hanging with met a group of women. There were 5 of them. We asked them if they wanted to hang out and they said yes, but at their hotel.

    He and I got in the car and one girl was driving. I was in the back with 3 and he was in the passenger seat with one on his lap. We were all drunk. I started to make out with 2 of the girls in the back and they told me soon as we get the hotel we are all getting in the hot tub.

    After about 10 minutes the car stops abruptly and the driver is screaming at the guy I’m with. The driver explains to us that the guy I was with called her a hoe. She did not appreciate it and instead of apologizing and trying to fix it he doubled down and called her a bitch too. He got out of the car.

    So as I’m in the back with these two women hard as a rock, he starts telling me we are leaving. I said no, you can wait downstairs. He said no and started walking away. I had to get out and leave because in the Navy when you are in port you have to have the buddy system. If I show back to the ship or he does and we arent together then we get in trouble. 20 year old me got out of the car and went with him. Never hung out with him again tho.

    40 year old me sitting here typing this wants to punch him in the face still.

  3. A friend of mine didn’t understand it was time to leave so she and I could hook up because her roommate was a “save everything for marriage” nut and this girl had agreed just to shut her up.

    I eventually just said, I’m taking her home.

    He lived two apartments down and we went and made out in my car until he was gone gone then went back and unblocked

  4. An ex friend would come and start flirting with the girl I was talking to when we would go out. Dude was a complete douche. I’m not friends with people like that anymore.

  5. I met a cute girl at a bar and her DUFF eventually forced herself between us, literally. Later, the DUFF crashed our dates.

    Eventually, I dumped the girl. I liked her, she was cute, blah blah blah. But I couldn’t stand the DUFF.

    I think the DUFF realized that she was only friends with my gf to make my gf look hotter to others. Also, iif my gf ever locked a guy down, she (the DUFF) wouldn’t have access to the same caliber of guys (i.e., wingmen) anymore. So, she sabotaged the relationship as much as she could.

    And it worked.

  6. I was playing with my niece and nephew, when one of them threw a building block (3 inch square cube of hard wood), and hit me in the crotch. Pierced my scrotum. Shit’s sharp, man.

  7. I was inside my GF in high school and her 5 year old brother busts out of her closet in a superman costume

  8. I had been crushing on this girl for over 10 years since we were 16.

    She’s moved to Australia but came back for summer last year. We hung out and had some drinks and what not then all went back to my friends house as we still wanted to party. Early in the morning I finally get in a bed with this girl who had been flirting all night, so it was on.

    Then my friend decides he doesn’t want to sleep alone and jumps in the bed. This is his house which he has his own bedroom in. I didn’t know if I could tell him to fuck off because it would be too full on and I guess it is his house. So I laid there for 10 minutes weighing up my options and decided to just go home. Just abandoned the whole thing entirely.

    I could’ve just waited it out, to see if he bailed, but I just dipped.

  9. I was a senior in high school. Hanging out with a friend group of mostly college freshmen girls. My brother came to town so I brought him along for a movie night at one of their houses. This one really cute girl Bobbi and I are hitting it off. We start watching the movie as a group and she’s next to me on the couch. About 1/3 into the movie she lays her head on my shoulder. I’m so in! My dickhead brother, who’s name is ACTUALLY CHAD, lol, says something basically announcing her head on my shoulder is happening. We’re both embarrassed but she’s SUPER SHY and nothing ever comes from us hanging out ever again.

    I got him back though. He came to visit me in college about 6 months later and he’s into my female friend who I’m not into. We all go out and they’re dancing and obviously gonna be hooking up later. So I go to my brother as we’re about to leave and I’m like “hey mom called earlier said the test came back positive” so she could easily hear and just walk away, no context. He told me the next day they did not hook up and was pissed so I reminded him what happened before and we both said fuck you and moved on. Lol

  10. My divorce was in progress, but not yet finalized. Was talking to a very attractive girl at work, and seemed to be making progress, when another woman walked up and asked “so, how’s your wife?”

    The girl I was talking to knew exactly what my “status” was (I was very upfront about it), so it was no surprise to her, but it torpedoed the conversation. Never went anywhere after that.

  11. So this is about 12 years ago, I’m sitting in the floor of my apartment, rubbing a girl’s shoulders after a D&D game, and a friend of mine is standing in front of my front door, REFUSING TO GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE because he insisted on telling me a story about how his Canadian girlfriend was totally real and not a scammer trying to get money from him.

  12. Was vacationing on an island with my family. My cousin and I were in this community center kind of place drinking wine and flirting with a pair of girls when suddenly my little sister, 11 at the time, randomly decides to join us.

    Cousin tries to shoo her away but this only makes her want to stay. My sis proceeded to sit with us for several hours and by the time our dad came to put her to bed at like midnight the magic and the wine was gone. We hung out for maybe another 30 mins until the girls decided they were tired and left for bed.

    My cousin was fuming and I was pretty annoyed but looking back this story is hilarious. I waited until my sis was around 20 to tell her our side of it and she was mortified.

  13. I was in college and I was talking smoothly with this girl, we were in my fraternity in another guys room, there was maybe 6 of us.

    Me and the girl were really hitting it off, like almost whispering very close face to face, very clear it was gonna happen, for some reason we start talking about dolphins and I’m like yeah they’re super smart they have social circles and give eachother names, stuff like that.

    And the weird guy in my house who is not part of the conversation, and kind of sitting by himself is drinking vodka on the rocks, like wtf, and he, very loudly just goes “Hey did you know dolphins rape people!?!” Totally killed the vibe lmao

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