Reposting on my main account to hopefully get more attention.

I am a 19f college student.

Sophomore year just started a few weeks ago. Last week, my friend group went out for a weekend trip. One friend, 19m who I’ll call Fred, got in the car with my best friend, 19f we’ll call Daphne, and I. We were in a busy area, so Fred came in daphnes car to help us figure out where to go next. We chatted for a few minutes and Fred was complimenting Daphnes car and we made some jokes, whatever just small talk. We tried to call some of our friends in another car to see where they were.

The event we were trying to go to was had a lot of traffic and almost no cell reception. Daphne has a pretty large car and didn’t know how to turn around in a tight area safely. Fred gave her some advice and Daphne got quiet for a minute to think. Fred got annoyed that she went quiet for ~30 seconds and said “Daphne, are you going to fucking speak?” This made Daphne really upset and came out of nowhere as there was no rush to get to this event. Fred got out of the car and into another friends vehicle.

Daphne and I left after this and decided we wanted to go back to our dorm room rather than go to the event since it was so crowded. We get down the road a little bit and pull into a McDonald’s parking lot. I call Fred and let him know that we are at McDonalds and ask if he and the rest of our friend group would like us to wait at McDonald’s or if we should just head home. Fred tells us that he doesn’t care because “we are adults and can make our own decisions”. I say “okay, Daphne and I will see you later back at school then”.

Later that night, we have a movie night at school. Fred texts our friends and invited everyone to his room. Our friend Velma (19f) who was not on the weekend trip joins us at movie night. Velma makes a joke that she never sees Fred’s roommate, and Fred respond by asking her “do you live here?” Which Velma says “no”. Fred then says, “exactly, then don’t fucking act like it. He’s just visiting his mom”. Velma is pretty hurt by this overreaction but doesn’t say anything.

Fred picks a movie which Velma and I didn’t feel particularly interested in, so we leave the room to talk. While we are talking, my boyfriend, Shaggy (19m) texts me that “Fred got mad”. Shaggy’s best friend Scooby (19m) comes out and tells us that while watching the movie, Shaggy and Scooby were joking around. This is a common occurrence for our friend group, we say it is like Mystery Science Theater 3000, if you know that show. Fred wasn’t having it that they were joking, so he paused the movie, turned on the lights, stood up, and yelled at Shaggy and Scooby in front of two other friends. Fred told them that they were disrespecting him and that they needed to get their shit together or leave. Shaggy and Scooby left with Velma and I for the night.

After leaving , Shaggy tells me that Fred lied about how Daphne and I acted. Fred told our friends that Daphne and I were “very cold” toward him in the car and that we were “completely silent” and he didn’t tell them we had called. He said that we had left everyone behind without saying where we were going. This made me especially upset because if Daphne and I were to have gotten into some kind of trouble, no one would know we were heading back to school.

Since all this has happened, it has come out from Velma that Fred has yelled at her before, he yelled at her over a year ago. Everyone knows Fred has a temper but it has been seeemingly escalated this year.

What should my friends do with this? Some people want to cut ties with Fred and others want to remain friends because they are very close. Any advice?

Note: Fred is very stubborn and people are scared to talk to him. We know that any conversation would not be productive and would result in him getting angry.

  1. Tell the people who want to keep hanging out with Fred that they’re welcome to do so on their own time, but you’re tired of him being nasty every time he’s unhappy about something, so you’re leaving him off the invite list of anything you organize from now on. And if you end up at an event with him anyway and he decides to be a jerk, call him out on it and be prepared to leave if no one else wants to make him behave himself if he wants to stay.

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