I feel alone in my relationship

Hey Volks,

I (M19) am in a relationship with my partner (F21) now for 2 years and I feel more and more alone in our relationship the past year and I don’t know what to do anymore.

Everything that I am interested in, she isn’t. Like when I wanna tell her some stuff out of my hobbies, shes like oh cool, but I am not very interested. I think nobody wants to hear then when u wanna share something that made u happy outside if the house and u wanna share that with your own partner.

I always had the thought about breaking up with her cause also our sex life so shit. She doesn’t do anything for our sex life, nothing, not even trying to have sex together. And I don’t know how I created this picture of her in my mind that she will change but she won’t. Its not even the Sex part, its also when I wanna do something out of the house with her, like something active, she always says, nah I don’t want. Only so she can stay at home on her Phone and barely doing anything.

I just think, the more time we spend together the more I realise we don’t fit together 😕. Its hard for me to just break up cause when you’re for a linger time in a relationship then u build something together that u kinda get emotionally attached to it and I really don’t like it.

All in all I just feel very lonely in my relationship with her, cause everything that I wanna do with her, or share with her shes not interested in 😒. And everybody wants to share some stuff with their ppl which are close to someone.

I need some opinions and some different POV, maybe I am not the only one who thinks like that, or maybe u can show me the other side :). Thx for all your help ❤️

Had to delete it to change some things in the text!

  1. Did you talk to her about it? If not, maybe try to tell her that you have the impression that you grow apart and ask her if she feels the same and whether she has ideas how to solve this.

    This way you give her the opportunity to explain her side and to show you that she is willing to put in the work to change something and to find some compromise/new approaches.

    If she doesn´t give you an answer or does not try to find solutions with you, you should make clear that if nothing changes you see no future. Even if you already have invested a lot of emotion into a realationship it doesn´t mean that you have to stay in it even though you are unhappy. You should be the only one putting in the efford. A healthy relationship consists of constant input from both parties and is full of compromise.

  2. Your girl doesn’t need to have the same interests. It’s nice, but not necessary. Guys should have their own worlds apart from their girl.


    However, your relationship is on the downgrade. Do you both a favor and tell her it’s not working out. It’s wasting time at this point.

    She’s signaling that she has lost interest too. She might be the first one to call quits.

  3. Well, I can tell you, you can find someone much better. Being iterested in your partner’s life is basic thing in relationship. At this point you are wasting your time. Belive me, you can find someone that cannot wait to meet with you and also have sex with you. You are really young so don’t think about wasted time.

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