How to handle a mental health break up?

My gf and I have gotten together twice- our first time seeing each other was only for a few months and ended very sour a year ago. 8 months ago she reached out and apologized and we got back together and have been seeing each other since June.

Our relationship was much stronger this time but I could feel I was around too much- I was at her house whenever I wasnt working. And I was scared this would ruin it.

My gf (21f) broke up with me (22f) because she can feel shes falling into another depressive episode again. She says that she wasnt ready for the pressure of a relationship and she needs a lot of time alone to recharge. Im worried for her. Shes been losing weight and refusing to take her anti depressants. How do I help her but give her the space she needs?

  1. Sorry to hear that. It’s rough. You can’t save someone from themselves. Be there for her, but don’t forget to take care of yourself too. Also, have you considered suggesting therapy to her?

  2. You listen to what she’s saying to you. She said she needs time alone. That’s what you can do to help her – by listening to that and respecting it. You can tell her that she can reach out to you on her own time, but that there is NO pressure to do so. You can’t force her to take her meds or to eat. You *can* show that you’ve heard her and that you take what she says in good faith.

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