I wrote this when I was pretty tired, so there’s a chance this won’t make much sense. I kinda needed to get this off my chest.

I don’t feel comfortable around my roommates even though we’ve only been living together for a really short amount of time. They’ve been using my things without asking me, like my forks and baking sheet. I don’t feel comfortable around my roommates even though we’ve only been living together for about a week. They’ve been using my things without asking me, like my forks and baking sheet. I don’t like people I don’t know we’ll touching my stuff because I don’t trust them to put clean and put it back. Earlier today, I had to tell to quiet down mainly because I was getting overstuffed. I had to tell them around three times to do it, but they didn’t really really quiet down about 30 minutes after I told them the last time. I want to tell them that I want to move out partially because of the stuff above, but also I feel like I don’t fit the dynamic they have.

1 comment
  1. So yeah, random roommates often have no common decency and will just use your shit without asking. I had that last year. Even when I communicated that I was NOT okay with this because of germophobia, they still persisted and ignored any messages I sent into the group chat.

    What I would advise is communicating. It’s quite awkward but you should remember that they’re probably gonna feel more awkward in that scenario, because it’s embarrassing being confronted for not having common decency.

    If that fails, you could always keep your stuff in your room. You shouldn’t have to be the one compromising here, but some people just don’t change and don’t care. That’s what I done when people wouldn’t stop using my things.

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