What do you do on solo dates?

  1. 1: Go out to a nice bar, sometimes one that has a dress code and is fancy

    2: Go to this massive arcade that serves food and drinks and just play arcade games

    3: Go out to a nice restaurant and reserve a big table for myself just for giggles

  2. Go to the movies! I’ll never understand why people don’t like going alone. It’s not like you can socialise in there anyway and you can byo yummy snacks. I’ll never miss out on seeing a movie if friends aren’t available again. Same as gigs. No shame in taking yourself out on a hot movie or band date.

  3. Take myself to a movie.
    Go to the reataurant I want to and enjoy the meal I like. Might take a book to read while I eat. Or people watch.
    Take myself to a museum, art expo, botanical gardens – walk at my own speed and enjoy the stuff I want to enjoy at my speed. Which reminds me – theres an art expo I want to check out this weekend. Might take myself to lunch too!

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