So my ex broke up with me about a month ago(together for 1 1/2 years) because she said she lost all feelings for me and didn’t feel like she wanted to do or communicate for our relationship to work. Since then I’ve tried to go no contact but about two or three times a week she contacts me out of nowhere with the most random topics, it could be about us seeing eachother at the bar two days ago or her friends leaving for a trip. She even sent an old picture which made us start talk in the first place.

I haven’t initiated contact at all but I’m still a bit broken from the breakup and still want her back, yesterday she wrote to me and asked if I had a nice holiday and seemed genuinely interested in what I had done on the trip. This makes me a bit confused as to why she still contacts me every now and then and what I should do in this situation. This situation made me cave and I told her that I still missed her, in which she replied ”it is what it is, you’ll get over it”.

For further context she has been going out two times every weekend with her friends since the breakup, she hated going out when we were together. She also has been drunk texting me a couple of times just trying to show off that she is out having fun.

How do I tackle this situation?

TL;DR – girlfriend broke up with me because she lost all feelings, I’m trying no contact but she keeps contacting me, what do I do?

  1. Tell her you need to get over her as you still love her,you don’t need to keep being reminded of her enjoying her single life

    Not fair to you

  2. If you don’t want to talk to her, and she won’t respect your request to not contact you, then it’s time to block her or mute her or whatever makes sense depending on how she’s contacting you. If you want to leave the door open to be friends later you can let her know ahead of time that you’re doing this for now because she hasn’t been able to respect your request for no-contact, but that you hope someday in the future you will be in a better frame of mind to be friends again. But you don’t have to – you can just block her.

    (That said, if you haven’t explicitly said “Stop texting me, it’s going to be a long time before I am ready to hear from you again, and I’ll let you know when/if that happens”, you can try that first before you go to the nuclear option of blocking. I can’t tell if you’ve actually straight-out told her to stop.)

    As for why she’s doing it, who knows – she may be bored, or curious how you’re doing, or hoping you’re ready to be just friends now, or maybe she’s a jerk who knows she’s hurting you and thinks it’s funny. You know that it *doesn’t* mean she wants to get back together with you, so the why doesn’t really matter beyond that.

  3. Sounds like she’s moving to friendship and your not ready for it. You tell her you want no contact and then block her. All of this is on you not her.

  4. Just block her. Dude, she’s out here gloating about how happy she is without you and trying to string you along for attention at the same time. She’s well aware of what she’s doing, and she does it because she wants you to break down and tell her how much you miss her because it strokes her ego. You’re not gonna get over this girl if you don’t enforce your own boundaries you’re trying to set and block her. She’s clearly content to keep you waiting in the wings while she rubs happily living her life in your face until you actively stop her and give yourself the space and the peace of mind to move on from her

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