What are your ambitions? And what’s stopping you from achieving them (if you haven’t already)

  1. To move out and live in my own or travel to figure out who I really am.
    My parents keep sabotaging me to keep me from leaving and saying things to make me doubt my self confidence

  2. I reaaally would like to have a podcast/ build a forum in which I talk about life and mental health etc. I already have one episode recorded but the other steps (getting a catchy jingle, artwork, figuring out how to get it on platforms like Spotify) are making me procrastinate because I see them as mountainous and I get overwhelmed easily. I also have a fear of success because my mental health often fails me so I wouldn’t want to build a community and then let them down. I also had a semi popular blog back in college but had ended it for a personal reason so I think that’s also holding me back. The fear that I lost that ability to capture peoples attention when I stopped back then- even the thing reason I ended the blog wasn’t for lack of page views and article reads but my brain just likes to sabotage

  3. To live in Europe and make more art.

    Right now time is stopping me. Im just waiting for my weight to drop a little more so i can pursue the AF and get the ball rollin

  4. I want to settle down, own a house, own my own café, and adopt kids and a dog.

    Only thing that’s stopping me is just timing and money. There’s some shit I have to get done first before starting on these.

  5. To back to school, I hate my retail job and feel like I have no purpose. Took a needed break as I was so anxious all the damn time and caused some other physical health issues. I want to go back but I’m so afraid of anxiety breaking me down again like it has before. I’m scared of so many things and I hate it. I’m currently in therapy and trying to work on it, thanks for letting me share.

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