I have a female friend who almost exclusively prefers to date only cops and/or firemen. She has been through a series of relationships (most ending with lots of drama) with these guys.
Other friends have tried to introduce her to different types of guys saying that she needs to expand her dating pool. But this woman is a hardcore uniform chaser.
Once when someone suggested she date different guys she actually said “what would I talk to them about?”
IMO this explains why her relationships with these guys always end so badly. I think these guys know she’s only really interested in dating them because of what they do for a living and quickly grow tired of her.

She’s a very attractive girl and could clearly have her choice of men. But the truth is, this girl just wants to fuck cops and firemen.

Have any guys who wear uniforms ever encountered this?
If so how do you handle it?

I look at this situation like a rock star who has groupies. They might be good for a few nights but after that, there’s not much else there.

Any cops or firemen ever meet these types of women (or even men)??

  1. I was for 3 years in the military.
    I live in Israel so I wasn’t special and no one cared.

    Some women do prefer combatants than non combatants but eh its not that of a big deal really

  2. I was in the Marine Corps for a term. I used to tell boot Marines, “Your military status is a *liability* for any girl worth dating.”

  3. Does anyone have any insight as to why some folks are uniform chasers?

    Are these men seen as more masculine or some shit?

    Im just a little lost as to why one would do so 😅

  4. > She’s a very attractive girl and could clearly have her choice of men.

    And she’s made her choice. Most people can’t afford to be so specific.

    If I had the option I’d date conventionally hot gamer/nerdy women exclusively. But I can’t. So I don’t.

  5. What’s funny is cops are 2 to 4 times more likely to be domestic abusers than an average Joe.

  6. Served in the US Navy (active duty and reserves) for 21 years. Learned very quickly to spot “uniform chasers” (aka potential Dependapotumus) coming a mile away. I also learned it was best to avoid them altogether rather than trying to game them just to hook up.

  7. Army veteran here.

    Though I didn’t specifically set out to date a uniform chaser, I advertently ended up doing so. It was a long and significant relationship, and I later found out that she was cheating the entire time, with other soldiers and first responders.

    I want to say there’s nothing inherently wrong with being attracted to service members/first responders, but this attraction fetishizes the uniform and/or the job, and the traits of the person wearing it seem incidental at best.

    In the army, there is a joke that if you’re looking to hook up, you talk to someone that has all the rah-rah bumper stickers: “Army wife,” “Half my heart is in Iraq,” “I love my soldier husband,” etc. It’s obviously unethical to fool around with somebody’s wife, but the joke does seem to hold true. I have been approached several times by women married to other soldiers, and without exception, these women are advertising their husband’s status on their vehicles, clothing, and/or social media accounts.

    I understand that this is all anecdotal evidence, and certainly, there must be women that advertise their soldier spouses who are not trying to jump into bed with every uniformed person that they meet. Still, the experience has been consistent enough that I would avoid a uniform chaser at all costs.

  8. They’re fun, tend to be a little crazy, and almost always don’t have a well paying job. Aka great to sleep with not to marry

  9. Marine Corps for 10 years, now I’m a fireman… but I’ve been married the entire time so I have no idea. That said, she sounds like a walking dumpster fire. Don’t pursue anything serious with her.

  10. My relatives in the military call them ‘tag chasers’. One of my cousins married one. I think they also called her a “dependa” and “dependapotamous” and I’m not quite sure what that means but I think I know. She cheated every time he was deployed too. This cousin was always a prick growing up though. So, it’s kind of funny.

  11. They stereotype is cops beat and firefighters cheat. I was married and older when I became a volly. Never had that problem.

  12. I avoided them entirely. I was a medic in an infantry unit, so I saw the worst of the worst stereotypical trouble that soldiers get themselves into. And I learned not to do it haha. That being said, I’ve noticed there’s basically two types.

    The first one is primarily chasing the benefits (pay, health insurance, housing, etc.), also called “dependa”. They actually make a somewhat decent partner, at least in regards to loyalty and support. However, it comes with a catch. These are usually the ones that let themselves go quickly after the marriage or having children. Or even worse—they become massive Karens who think they hold the same rank as their husband.

    The other type is usually just chasing the “clout” or image of dating a man in uniform. They’ll be obsessed with you at first, but the novelty will eventually wear off. Hopefully before the marriage, but often times it’s not. These are the ones that end up cheating while the husband is away. They also tend to have daddy issues, so expect a lot of other emotional issues.

  13. Using Tinder as a firefighter means the first thing you find out about a girl is which of your coworkers she’s been with. Charming.

  14. Started “dating” a girl while I was in the army. Didn’t realize she was still MARRIED to an ex soldier. We “broke up,” (I ghosted her), heard she was on to the next soldier in days.

  15. I was in Coast Guard aviation. The flight suit was very cool. It had a 3 foot zipper. The pick up lines wrote themselves.

  16. I haven’t met any. seems like most women lose interest when i tell them I’m in the military

  17. I was in the Army. The ratio of men to women around any Army post is 1000 to 1. On top of that, the barracks that single soldiers are forced to stay at are literally INFESTED with black mold, and the only way to escape was to get married. As a result, the only women around post are the absolute lowest of the low, and they are only there for that free TRICARE insurance that comes from being a military spouse. It was depressing.

  18. After 13 years in the military, I can’t say I’ve run into many. Probably because I’m socially awkward though and don’t go out much.

  19. They are toxic as fuck. They don’t care about you. They care about the uniform, and they tend to be cheaters, too.

    Avoid at all costs. They are not even worth the risk of just having swx with them. They tend to be a bit psycho as well.

  20. Doing 2 of these for a long time… None. I don’t advertise my two careers heavy enough for people who don’t know me to readily stand out.

    The jobs are what I do, Not “who I am”. I Dont outwardly act/look like a person who does either of the jobs.

  21. They never knew I was a firefighter so never had to worry about it. I never dated a girl the saw me in uniform and when I met a girl and we were doing the back and forth interview flirting I would just make up a profession. Usually some job I had in the past. Construction worker, Home Depot or something silly.

  22. It’s a solid future proof plan, as fire, police, and military are the few that have pension guarantees after 20 years.

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