I met this girl online like 2 weeks ago, she seems perfect, we have ft (facetimed) multiple times now and we got to know each other a lot, we are meeting on a couple days but there is something kinda sketchy, she lives really far, like 80 miles away from my city, and at first after just 2 days of talking she wanted to meet me already which threw me off, i told her we should wait and she got kind of defensive about it, we kept talking and she already presented me to her family(on facetime) and also showed me her house around, everything seems normal now but her wanting to drive 80 miles just to see a random is kinda weird. What should I do??

  1. How do you plan to date somebody that lives 80 miles away? You should both at least meet at a middle point if you insist on an LDR.

  2. 80 miles really isn’t far atleast imo yea maybe a bit soon but if you have solid proof she is really and you have a good feeling she is real, (and are Interested In her) go for it if you’re worried of anything like that just meet in a public place or bring a friend. Ask your gut how you feel about it but if youce ft her and it’s clearly her and you’re still worried just meet publicly and I can’t see you being in any danger at all. It can be sketchy meeting peiple online always follow your gut and take the proper measures to be safe and you’ll be okay meeting at a local coffee shop that has some pieple in it if you’re super scared even ask a friend to sit on the other side of the shop. But the ft, 80 miles is not far at all and being in a public place especially with a friend in the distant keeping an eye you will be safe if you’re still scared just don’t leave a public place with her until you feel you can trust.

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