What are the benefits of being a paralegal?

  1. Well, it’s a job and by doing it you get paid. This is the biggest benefit.

    It doesn’t involve lifting stuff or anything else physically intense so it’s not all that hard on your body, as long as you are getting up once in a while to move around and have good desk posture.

    If you like research it would be a pretty interesting job option.

  2. Benefits? It’s a job, it pays you. Money can be exchanged for good and services.

    It’s just a job like any other office job. Nothing special.

  3. It is a white collar job that does not require any math or science training.

    You will have to read and write a lot, about subjects that most people find mind-numbingly boring, so if you have tolerance for that, you are in luck.

    You will have to interact with boss, colleagues and also clients, but at least you will not have to sell anything.

  4. If you are looking to get into law you might get some insight into the field before investing in an expensive degree ? Also like other people said, it pays.

  5. My hours are pretty consistent, the work itself isn’t stressful, and it’s cushy insofar as I’m pretty much never at risk of injuring myself.

  6. Do you want to do all the work that people think lawyers do for even less pay? Become a paralegal. The benefit is you won’t have a 200k law degree to pay back.

    There is nothing more important to a lawyer then a good paralegal. But most of them will never express that.

  7. The relief you’ll feel when you quit and don’t have to be around temperamental, arrogant assholes.

  8. It’s a steady job that pays better than some. Depending on the office it can come with some nice perks. And it takes less schooling than being a lawyer.

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