As opposed to a temporary crisis/ boredom / dissatisfaction

  1. If you have a sudden uncontrollable urge to grow a goatee and buy a red or yellow convertible corvette.

  2. First off you’d need to know the date of your death, so that you can calculate whether you are currently at the mid point of your life. From there it’s just a matter of working out if you are in a crisis…

  3. As long as you’re not dipping into your retirement to live it out or something who cares? Do what makes you happy.

    Folks have a bad habit of calling anything fun done by a guy over 35 or so a crisis. Can never just be that circumstances let him do or have something he always wanted, it’s gotta he some kind of problem he should be mocked for.

  4. If you’re bored, it means you’re some place warm and safe.

    Boredom is a luxury for people with full bellies.

  5. I’m having one right now. I just got tired of the same old shit and everything I did actually means nothing.

    I spent my whole doing hot shit commiting crimes and going to jail and prison. Livin like a dumbass. Now I want to do all the stuff I was supposed to do as a young kid like school and doing right.

  6. You are about mid life and feel like a failure ao you try to do things beyond what you normally do.

  7. I think the whole idea of a “midlife crisis” is bullshit. maybe you can finally afford to try the thing you’ve always wanted to try? that’s not a crisis. it’s life.

    you know why you see so many old men in corvettes? because they’re fucking EXPENSIVE.

  8. If you end up doing things that leave you broke, Divorced, jobless, homeless, in the hospital or in jail.

  9. You look at specs for motorbikes and convince yourself it would be better for the environment than your giant diesel truck.

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