My hair situation is still pretty good, but I want to keep them.

Do you know anything a guy can do to extend their hair life? Anything. Not genetics, cause obviously. Something best case proven by studies or at least proven by personal experience.

  1. >Do you know anything a guy can do to extend their hair life?

    I might be wrong, but pretty much the only way to preserve hair is to take finasteride. It inhibits the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone that causes male pattern baldness

  2. Answer to your question at least partially, I know a guy who changed his diet and it slowed down his hair loss greatly. Maybe even stopped it. I should ask.

    My mom explicitly sought out a man with no baldness in his family. No one in my mom’s family is bald. She hates bald men. But then again she doesn’t like it when my hair gets too long.

  3. The only things I’ve found that work are rogain and propecia. I also use the hair thinning shampoo for men Nioxin. Catching it early and using it daily helps.

  4. Saw palmetto, biotin and minoxidil 5%. Finasteride works, but it has serious side effects like weight gain, low libido and erectile dysfunction.

    Edit: To expand on this saw palmetto shrinks the prostate to prevent DHT from developing. Biotin is a vitamin that can be found in a lot of foods, it is responsible for the production of keratin which is a protein that forms hair, skin and nails. A deficiency in this will lead to hair loss. Minoxidil is important for improving blood flow to the hair folicles. There are other methods that improve blood circulation as well, such as micro-needling, red-light therapy, scalp-massages and castor oil (though this is mostly anecdotal).

  5. Not being mean or sarcastic, but being bald really isn’t that bad. I understand wanting to keep it for as long as you can too though. Just try not to hold on forever. imho lots of guys hang on way too long and should just embrace the bald head.

    I’ve been going bald and shaving for almost twenty years. If I could grow a full head of hair today, I’d still shave it.

  6. Finasteride and minoxidil. They are proven to stabilise and can even reverse hair loss. Also check out r/HairTransplants

  7. The only thing that works also kills your libido and makes you fat. Personally, I’d rather be bald.

  8. Nothing at all.
    And yes, it is genetic, in that it’s in your dna. If your father and/or grandfather had early onset hairloss or male pattern baldness, that gene is more likely to also be activated in you compared to someone without.
    Guaranteed? No, but more likely? Yes.

    Fun fact 1)
    Medication to treat/reverse male hairless is like the holy grail to pharmacological research..a
    Allegedly, more R&D money has been spent, over a longer period of time, seeking a Guaranteed-to-work
    commercial product than for any other disease, or physical affliction.

    Fun fact 2.
    Seeking an oral medication for reversing male baldness, it was noticed during the human trials period that a common side effect of the baldness pill was theat many of the men were flipping boners. When they realised it didn’t regrow hair, but did give you a hard on, and that was the backstory of viagra…!!

  9. I knew my dad was bald in his late 40s so when the entire platoon shaved their head on deployment I decided not to stop shaving. I’ve watched my brothers all reach the point where they started fussing about their hair and then started to shave their heads in their 30s. I decided to go out at the top of my game. There are no pictures out there of a man that should have shaved it off years ago.

  10. Finasteride and minoxidil are the only two medications with any real medical evidence. Finasteride can have big side effects for some people. There are also hair transplants and things like what Elon Musk had done.

    I didn’t want to use finasteride due to side effect risks, so I tried minoxidil for a couple of years. Recently I called it and just started shaving my head. It’s cheaper and I can cut my own hair at any hour of the day.

  11. The non GI asteroids treatments that have some evidence behind them are:

    Ketoconazole shampoo
    Topical ru 58841 (anti androgen)

    This is what I found after 10 hours of research as I want to avoid finasteride because of potential side effects.

  12. The combination of finasteride and minoxidil. I used minoxidil for 7 years before taking finasteride 2 years ago, and it has slowed my balding a lot. Besides the very occasional shedding phase, there were no side effects.

    The best thing in the end is to either wear a buzzcut, be cleanshaven, or go for a transplant. My hair still shows thinning, but it is not noticeable when buzzcut.

  13. Oil, oil your head. Give yourself gentle scalp massages.

    But to be honest it all depends on your maternal grandfather. If he has hair, you will have hair, if he doesn’t, you are SOL.

  14. Live as healthy as you can.

    get AT LEAST 8 hr sleep (unless you wake up on your own, no need to force yourself to sleep),


    eat whole healthy unprocessed foods

    exercise regularly. target all 3 energy systems; the phosphagen pathway, the glycolytic pathway, and the oxidative pathway

    no science behind this last one but i believe you gotta love someone to stay young

  15. Finasteride and Minoxidil as people have said are the two proven ones but when you look it up there are some serious side effects that pretty much ruin the benefits of having hair. You want a good head of hair so you look good but the two treatments that are actually proven to help reverse/prevent thinning/recession have side effects such as depression, inability to get an erection, gyno (growth of breast tissue, not fat actual breast tissue that you’ll need surgery to remove) and many more, I think you’re far more likely to be viewed as attractive as a confident bald dude than a crying guy with tits and a floppy wang XD

    Obviously you might get lucky and get no side effects I just dunno if I’m willing to risk some of the list just to keep a perfect hairline. Maybe if I start to lose it I’ll change my mind and do a like 3 month course to see if I get lucky idk it just doesn’t seem worth the risks to me

  16. I’ve never seen it, but I made upy mind a long time ago that if I started losing significant hair, I’d shave it and own the bald head.

  17. If you can afford it, get a hair transplant. I just had one done in May of this year for my crown area and the front of my head. The only downside, besides the $254 monthly payments, is that the newly transplanted hair takes *months* to reach full thickness. I’m three months removed from my procedure, and I hardly notice any difference yet.

  18. For the most part, you can’t. Outside of some chemical applications but I’ve heard some mildly disquieting things about them. Honestly, I’d say just own it.

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