Not exactly a desperate question but am curious as to whether any city or town with a fairly large and frequent night life, will have a dedicated area, amongst the locals, for public urination.

I’d imagine that the answer would be, yes probably, but perhaps there could be some conformation, of sorts, from the more well-travelled pub/ club goers.

  1. Yes they do. There are separate versions that are also for the down and out, since most cities like to charge for public toilets which baffles me. If you don’t want your city to stink of piss, maybe offer somewhere for people to piss for free.

  2. Yes absolutely, although we refer to it specifically as “crack alley” as it encompasses the general vibe, plus the fact that there are a lot of junkies. I genuinely don’t remember it ever being called anything else. I was actually with some people recently and a mutual friend from out of town called and said “meet us on X street”, so I said “where???” And she repeated, so I asked what it was near and she said gave me the landmark and I exclaimed, “ohHHH crack alley yeah see you in 10”. She was equal parts perplexed and horrified.

  3. I’d say that’s pretty much any dark quiet street/alley.

    We did used to have a ‘goz alley’ in my high school though.

  4. Where I used to work has a piss/shit walkway next to the river. Was always good to walk along after heavy rain cleaned it all up before it filled up again.

  5. My hometown is ye olde market town so a lot of pubs, and a couple of “piss alleys”. One became so notorious for nocturnal urination that CCTV was installed as a deterrent.

  6. There was a spot in Birmingham near a couple of nightclubs where people would piss off a bridge onto the canal towpath below. On a weekend, a gentleman would sometimes appear on the towpath wearing a mask and enjoy a lovely pissy shower. The Birmingham piss troll.

  7. Therecis one in my town, one night a few wks ago i was walking home, a little tired so went there to have a sit down on the ground. Realised my mistake the next day…

  8. There used to be a bank of public phone boxes around the side of the local towns’s post office that was frequently just used as a toilet.

  9. I can’t speak for every city, but even Alderley Edge in Cheshire, one of the most expensive villages in the country… has its own piss alley. It’s between the cosmetic orthodontist and Waitrose, naturally.

  10. Every year, without fail, the Christmas tree in the central area stank to high heaven. The councils even installed temporary urinals – no, the tree was still the prime pissing spot. Merry Christmas, kids!

  11. Yeah in Brighton there’s a fountain near old steine (bus terminus in town for nights out) and everyone used to go there, or on the bushes near there

  12. Try London, you can practically stand pissing in the middle of the road with your trousers round your ankles, no one will stop you.

  13. The concrete stairs leading to the upper level of a shit multi-storey car park. They’ve permanently locked the doors to them now, presumably to deter the pissing but I suspect they’ve just caused it to spread out.

  14. The drinks aisle in the small Asda near me apparently. It smells likes someone peed under the shelves and it’s not been cleaned. Been like that for weeks now

  15. In Reading it’s next to the fish shop, definitely not a smell you want to walk past the next morning!

  16. There is a time honored tradition in Aberystwyth of releasing ones bladder off the pier after a night out.

  17. Back in our clubbing days, me and my friends had three designated pissing spots in various locations in town.

  18. The door way of the pub I work in is, or was a piss alley. But only for one customer. Everyone else used the toilets. Now we have cctv so he doesn’t do it no more. I live in a village and we have a good selection of alleys. Finding one where people can’t see you is the struggle though

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