I(24M) ended FWBs relationship with a chick(22F) recently. She didn’t give me any assurance that she’ll stay. I got feelings and I loved her. She never said “I love you” to me. She didn’t send a ❤️ emoji. My FWBs relationship lasted for 2.5 years. We fucked alot.

“am I not good looking for boyfriend role?” This is my question. I agreed FWBs relationship cause I didn’t get love in the past. She chose to fuck me because of her circumstances. She had no access to lot of men. Recently she got a new guy,thus left me. I felt she was so controlled wrt emotions. Usually people in love looses control. Am I really not enough for her value?
I’m single again. I feel like I don’t get girlfriend anymore

1 comment
  1. Man, you are so confused that you cant even explain this situation yourself because i dont understand you at all.
    You begin with saying that you had FWB relations with this girl, then you say you’re single -again- after you guys end your FWB relations, then you state you feel like you dont ’get girlfriend anymore’?
    Stop crying bro, realise you messed up and dont ever commit to shit you cant handle ever again because she was never your girl at all.
    Life is hard, go have some beers and think about what went wrong and what you can do to never end up in a situation like this again.
    Feeling sorry for yourself because you put the shoes on the wrong feet isn’t going to help you develop at all, adapt and overcome ffs

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