My friends stressing me the fuck out. Currently, shes struggling. so I tried to get her a part time gig to make money to pay rent, but she got herself pretty much ghosted by the job because she showed the owner that she’s extremely irresponsible. Basically, she had a weird freeloader roomate(23m) that was going to highschooler venue parties and preying on underrage girls (16-17) and was even accused of raping a 13 year old. she had to let him babysit her children as a last resort because she had no babysitter. As far as we know he didn’t assault them, the worst he did was neglect feeding her kids. When she started talking about this shit with people at my fucking job they obviously didn’t have empathy for her, my boss told me his reaction was “holy fuck you’re a piece of shit for letting a pedo watch your kids!”, on top of it i just turned 20 and she’s been hanging out with me too much, since i was 19. She admitted to me that she has a crush on me and I’ve told her that I’m too immature, and I don’t want anything with her that’d ruin the vibe. We’ve drank and smoked together and I’ve always thought “wtf is happening this is kinda weird” but never confirmed it until my boss broke down why he doesnt want to work with her: “She let a pedophile watch her kids, even if he didnt do anything to them he could’ve potentially ruined their lives. She hangs out with you, a 19 year old, and probably just hopes she gets you drunk or high enough so you can fuck her”. Since he’s ghosted her, he hasn’t payed her, and now he’s also been unresponsive with me due to being busy so I haven’t been payed either, so now she’s bugging me about the payment, and idefk what to do on that end.

This shits been keeping me up a lot because I don’t know what to do. This was topped off yesterday and today because she invited me to hangout and when I asked her if i could invite my friend, she says “no its okay just go hangout with her.” like what the fuck?

and today she texted me that she has no money to feed her children and she’s desperate. like i try to do my best as a friend but oh my fucking god i didn’t ask for this responsibility, why the fuck do i have to deal with this now i already told her i fucking have school, i have shit to do, and i dont know if im in the wrong for being so mad or if i have a right to be.

tl;dr i have a friend who’s making irresponsible choices, ive made the accident of enabling some by hanging out with her that i now acknowledge- but side from that she makes bad judgement calls and is now making her problems my problem

1 comment
  1. So do you like this “friend”? Because it doesn’t sound like you do. You don’t need to do charity work with someone you don’t like that doesn’t treat you very well. She could have compromised your job. She basically embarrassed you in front of your boss. And now she’s asking you for payment??

    Instead of getting mad at other people for asking things of you that you don’t want to do…. take some responsibility. You don’t have to do everything people ask of you. You don’t have to be friends with everyone. You don’t have to let your friends in on your job. Say no! Say “I don’t want to hang out with you anymore”! Your life will be a lot more peaceful if you protect that peace.

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